Joel Randall
Joel Randall

Joel Randall is a reporter with the Church News. He has worked as a writing/editing intern with the Liahona magazine, assistant copy editor at the BYU–Idaho Scroll newspaper and freelance copy editor on Joel is the author of the self-published book "Study, Sleep, Repeat: 130 Tips to Schedule Your College Life." He was born in Arizona and graduated from Brigham Young University–Idaho with a degree in communication. Joel served a mission in the Peru Arequipa Mission from 2017 to 2019. He spends his free time playing Mario Kart and researching the etymologies of random words.

Church News podcast features LeAnna Willmore, Bells at Temple Square conductor, as well as selected music from the handbell ensemble.

Six years after the temple was announced, Elder David A. Bednar dedicated the Layton Utah Temple and encouraged Latter-day Saints to let it help them focus on the Savior.

Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles dedicated a house of the Lord in Layton, Utah, on Sunday, June 16.

Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles testified to California Saints how the house of the Lord offers perspective and power.

After more than three decades as the voice of "Music & the Spoken Word," Lloyd D. Newell joins the Church News podcast to share his memories.

In Southern California, President Jeffrey R. Holland and Elder David A. Bednar shared lessons from the First Vision and how leaders can prepare others for ordinances.

Elder Ulisses Soared shares with members, leaders and missionaries how they can serve in the kingdom of God, strengthen the faith of the rising generation and strengthen marriages.

Elder D. Todd Christofferson joins the Church News podcast to reflect on his mission and the influence of his mission president, the late Elder Richard G. Scott of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

Elder Ricardo P. Giménez presided over the groundbreaking of the Teton River Idaho Temple and testified that Christ “is the reason why we can receive strength.”

In the 15th Doha Conference for Interfaith Dialogue, Elder Adilson de Paula Parrella testified of the sacredness of marriage and family.

Caring for the natural environment, serving one another, promoting education and being peacemakers make the world “a better place for all,” said Presiding Bishop Gérald Caussé.

Church News podcast highlights the legacy and mission of the Deseret News and shares the experiences of Deseret News opinion editor Jay Evensen.

Sustained as a general authority during April 2024 general conference, Elder Cavalcante has learned that discipleship is a process, one ordinance at a time.

Latter-day Saint steeplechaser Courtney Wayment joins the Church News podcast to talk about her remarkable career, running and preparing for the Olympic Games.

Elder Carlos A. Godoy and Sister Mônica Godoy shared how young adults can navigate loneliness, dating, institute, service, missions and marriage.

“God will help you in your professions as you are humble, strive to do His will and seek His help,” said BYU–Pathway Worldwide President Brian K. Ashton.

President Dallin H. Oaks and Sister Kristen M. Oaks join the Church News podcast to share memories of the two years they lived in the Philippines from 2002 to 2004.

Church News editor Ryan Jensen shares about working with prophets and apostles and his family’s struggles with Huntington’s disease.

“I think the whole world needs this program,” said district president about the CenDes initiative of the Church in Agua Prieta.

This special edition of the Church News podcast features excerpts from every general conference talk, including President Nelson’s invitation to "rejoice in the gift of priesthood keys."

Read what Church leaders have said during April 2024 general conference about testimony building.

“Praying, ‘calling,’ can be a sign of our hope; but taking action after praying is a sign that our faith is real,” said Elder Taylor G. Godoy.

“Our Heavenly Father desires to reveal to you your personal foreordination, and He will do so as you seek to learn and follow His will,” said Elder Steven R. Bangerter.

“I testify that miracles have not ceased, angels are among us and the heavens are truly open,” said Elder Shayne M. Bowen.

“Rather than sending us a pillar of light, the Lord sends us a ray of light, and then another, and another,” said Elder Alexander Dushku.

A summary of recent instruction and encouragement offered to the Lord’s missionary battalion.

This episode of the Church News podcast explores the Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra’s "Hope" tour stop in the Philippines with Elder Neil L. Andersen, choir President Michael O. Leavitt, director Mack Wilberg and singer Lea Salonga

“When you turn to the Lord, you will be able to see the path, awaken to your potential, and be guided and inspired by the Holy Ghost,” said Elder Ricardo P. Giménez in a BYU–Idaho devotional.

P. Alfred Grace, president and CEO of the Polynesian Cultural Center, shares the history and values of the cultural center, where many BYU–Hawaii students work.

"We all can find joy in our tribulation, in the overwhelming, in the scary, when we center our lives on Jesus Christ," said Relief Society General President Camille N. Johnson.