
Elder Shayne M. Bowen: ‘Miracles, Angels and Priesthood Power’

‘I testify that miracles have not ceased, angels are among us and the heavens are truly open’

Elder Shayne M. Bowen, a General Authority Seventy, spoke during the Saturday evening session of April 2024 general conference. Elder Bowen explained that miracles and priesthood blessings are available through the Lord’s restored Church. The following is a summary of what he said.

Elder Bowen’s talk summary

Although many say miracles no longer exist today, “I testify that miracles have not ceased, angels are among us and the heavens are truly open.”

In His earthly life, Jesus Christ gave priesthood keys to Peter, His chief apostle. Peter and other apostles led the Savior’s Church until the apostles died and the keys of the priesthood were taken from the earth.

Those keys have been restored in these latter days and were passed from prophet to prophet until President Russell M. Nelson.

“Through the Savior’s Church, we receive the blessings of the priesthood — including the power of God to help us in our lives. Under authorized priesthood keys, we make sacred promises to God and receive sacred ordinances that prepare us to live in His presence.”

Miracles often occur as a direct result of priesthood power. Some blessings are immediate, some unfold gradually, and some are not fully realized until the next life. However, “God keeps all of His promises,” always.

“If you desire the blessings of the priesthood, including miracles and the ministry of angels, I invite you to walk the path of covenants God has made available to each of us.”

Notable quotes

“Many today say that miracles no longer exist, that angels are fictional and that the heavens are closed. I testify that miracles have not ceased, angels are among us and the heavens are truly open.”

“Some priesthood blessings are fulfilled immediately, in ways we can see and understand. Others are unfolding gradually and will not be fully realized in this life. But God keeps all of His promises, always.”

“I know that while not all circumstances turn out like we may hope and pray for, God’s miracles will always come according to His will, His timing and His plan for us.”

See the full text of Elder Bowen’s talk: ‘Miracles, Angels and Priesthood Power’

Who is Elder Bowen?

Elder Shayne M. Bowen
Elder Shayne M. Bowen | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  • Elder Shayne M. Bowen was sustained as a General Authority Seventy during the April 2006 general conference. Turning 70 this year, he will be released as a general authority and given emeritus status Aug. 1
  • Elder Bowen previously served as a full-time missionary in the Chile Santiago Mission, president of the Spain Barcelona Mission (2000-2003), stake president twice, high councilor, bishop, high priests group instructor, elders quorum president and Varsity Scout leader.
  • Lynette Mortensen and Elder Bowen married in the Idaho Falls Idaho Temple in 1976. They have seven children, one of whom is deceased.
  • He operated his own insurance agency.

What has Elder Bowen done recently?

Read more of Elder Bowen’s general conference addresses.

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See more coverage of the April 2024 general conference
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