In the News
The First Presidency — then consisting of President Gordon B. Hinckley, President Thomas S. Monson and President James E. Faust — announced a house of the Lord for Albuquerque, New Mexico, on April 4, 1997. The day after, President Hinckley repeated the news in the Saturday morning session of April 1997 general conference.
Ground was broken for the Albuquerque New Mexico Temple on June 20, 1998, with Elder Lynn A. Mickelsen of the Seventy — president of the North America Southwest Area — presiding. More than 6,500 observers watched the ceremony, and a choir of 600 youth sang “Holy Temples on Mount Zion” and “High on the Mountain Top.”
The public was invited to a temple open house from Feb. 17 to Feb. 26, 2000. A total of 73,402 visitors toured the temple during this time. An open house for invited guests was also held Feb. 15-16, 2000.
Church President Gordon B. Hinckley dedicated the Albuquerque temple on March 5, 2000. More than 13,500 Latter-day Saints attended the four dedicatory sessions.
4 April 1997
5 March 2000
10301 San Francisco Road NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87122-3437
United States
View schedule and book online
(1) 505-822-5110
This was the first Latter-day Saint temple in New Mexico.
The first stake in Albuquerque was created in 1957. Steady growth necessitated the creation of another stake in the city just nine years later, in 1966.
The Albuquerque temple is located near the Sandia Mountain Range to the east. At the temple’s groundbreaking ceremony, a choir of 600 youth sang “Holy Temples on Mount Zion” and “High on the Mountain Top.”
It was dedicated six days before the Oaxaca Mexico Temple was dedicated.
The Farmington New Mexico Temple was announced exactly 24 years after the Albuquerque New Mexico Temple was announced.
This temple opened for ordinance work on March 6, 2000, the day after its dedication.
Once dedicated, the Albuquerque temple served 51,300 Latter-day Saints in 15 stakes and one district in the majority of New Mexico and part of Colorado.
This was the first Latter-day Saint temple in New Mexico.
The first stake in Albuquerque was created in 1957. Steady growth necessitated the creation of another stake in the city just nine years later, in 1966.
The Albuquerque temple is located near the Sandia Mountain Range to the east. At the temple’s groundbreaking ceremony, a choir of 600 youth sang “Holy Temples on Mount Zion” and “High on the Mountain Top.”
It was dedicated six days before the Oaxaca Mexico Temple was dedicated.
The Farmington New Mexico Temple was announced exactly 24 years after the Albuquerque New Mexico Temple was announced.
This temple opened for ordinance work on March 6, 2000, the day after its dedication.
Once dedicated, the Albuquerque temple served 51,300 Latter-day Saints in 15 stakes and one district in the majority of New Mexico and part of Colorado.