In the News
The Oaxaca Mexico Temple was announced on Feb. 23, 1999, by Church President Gordon B. Hinckley. When the temple was announced, the Oaxaca temple district comprised seven stakes and one district, with 26,624 members in total.
The groundbreaking was on March 13, 1999. Elder Carl B. Pratt of the Seventy and president of the Mexico South Area presided at the event. There were approximately 500 people in attendance.
On Feb. 28, 2000, the open house began. A total of 10,658 people attended the open house between Feb. 28 and March 4.
President James E. Faust, second counselor in the First Presidency, dedicated the temple on March 11, 2000. The four sessions were attended by 18,030 members.
23 February 1999
11 March 2000
Avenida Universidad 139
Fraccionamiento Real de Candiani
68130 Oaxaca de Juárez, Oaxaca
View schedule and book online
(52) 951-516-9588
This was the fifth Latter-day Saint temple in Mexico.
The groundbreaking for the Oaxaca Mexico Temple was held the same day as two others, the Kona Hawaii Temple and the Nashville Tennessee Temple.
Before its dedication, the closest temple to Oaxaca was the Mexico City Mexico Temple, a distance of over 225 miles (over 360 km).
The Oaxaca temple was dedicated the day before the Tuxtla Gutiérrez Mexico Temple was dedicated. Both temples were dedicated by President James E. Faust.
This was the fifth Latter-day Saint temple in Mexico.
The groundbreaking for the Oaxaca Mexico Temple was held the same day as two others, the Kona Hawaii Temple and the Nashville Tennessee Temple.
Before its dedication, the closest temple to Oaxaca was the Mexico City Mexico Temple, a distance of over 225 miles (over 360 km).
The Oaxaca temple was dedicated the day before the Tuxtla Gutiérrez Mexico Temple was dedicated. Both temples were dedicated by President James E. Faust.