In the News
A temple for Adelaide, Australia, was announced March 17, 1999, via letters to priesthood leaders in the temple district from the First Presidency, at the time consisting of Church President Gordon B. Hinckley and his two counselors — Presidents Thomas S. Monson, first counselor, and James E. Faust, second counselor.
Ground was broken for the temple on May 29, 1999. The ceremony was presided over by Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone, a General Authority Seventy.
The public was invited to tour the completed house of the Lord from June 3-10, 2000. A total of 49,303 visitors toured the temple during its open house.
President Hinckley dedicated the Adelaide Australia Temple on June 15, 2000. A total of 2,280 Church members attended one of four dedicatory sessions.
17 March 1999
15 June 2000
53-59 Lower Portrush Road
Adelaide, South Australia 5070
View schedule and book online
(61) 8-8363-8000
This was the second Latter-day Saint temple in Australia.
The groundbreaking ceremony for this temple was held on the same day as the groundbreaking ceremonies for the Louisville Kentucky Temple and the Veracruz Mexico Temple.
The principal from a high school near the temple site, as well as children who attended the school, were invited to break ground for the temple during the groundbreaking ceremony.
President Hinckley dedicated three temples other than the Adelaide Australia Temple on the same trip, including the Fukuoka Japan Temple, the Suva Fiji Temple and the Melbourne Australia Temple, the last of which was dedicated a day after the temple in Adelaide.
This was the second Latter-day Saint temple in Australia.
The groundbreaking ceremony for this temple was held on the same day as the groundbreaking ceremonies for the Louisville Kentucky Temple and the Veracruz Mexico Temple.
The principal from a high school near the temple site, as well as children who attended the school, were invited to break ground for the temple during the groundbreaking ceremony.
President Hinckley dedicated three temples other than the Adelaide Australia Temple on the same trip, including the Fukuoka Japan Temple, the Suva Fiji Temple and the Melbourne Australia Temple, the last of which was dedicated a day after the temple in Adelaide.