In the News
The temple was announced on April 14, 1999, by the First Presidency — consisting of President Gordon B. Hinckley, President Thomas S. Monson and President James E. Faust.
The groundbreaking was held on May 29, 1999, presided over by Elder Carl B. Pratt, a General Authority Seventy and president of the Mexico South Area.
A public open house was held June 26 to July 1, 2000, with 10,067 people attending.
The house of the Lord was dedicated on July 9, 2000, by President Thomas S. Monson, first counselor in the First Presidency. There were four dedicatory sessions, with 5,171 people participating over the course of the day.
14 April 1999
9 July 2000
Avenida Ejercito Mexicano, Esquina Michoacán
Colonia Luis Echeverría
94295 Boca del Rio, Veracruz
View schedule and book online
(52) 229-922-9621
This was the 10th Latter-day Saint temple in Mexico.
It was announced the same day that a temple was announced for Guadalajara, Mexico.
Ground was broken for the Veracruz temple on the same day as the groundbreakings of the Adelaide Australia and Louisville Kentucky temples.
The exterior is made of the same marble as three other temples — the Guadalajara Mexico Temple, the Villahermosa Mexico Temple and the San José Costa Rica Temple.
A temple in Mérida, Mexico, was dedicated only one day before the Veracruz temple was dedicated.
This was the 10th Latter-day Saint temple in Mexico.
It was announced the same day that a temple was announced for Guadalajara, Mexico.
Ground was broken for the Veracruz temple on the same day as the groundbreakings of the Adelaide Australia and Louisville Kentucky temples.
The exterior is made of the same marble as three other temples — the Guadalajara Mexico Temple, the Villahermosa Mexico Temple and the San José Costa Rica Temple.
A temple in Mérida, Mexico, was dedicated only one day before the Veracruz temple was dedicated.