
This week on social: President Holland tells those facing difficulties to remember Christ and ‘reach for Him’

President Holland says ‘reach for Him,’ Elder Uchtdorf talks about the Kirtland Temple, Sister Runia offers an idea for a spiritual nighttime routine, and Elder Andersen posts about ministering in the Philippines

This week on social media, leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints shared messages about receiving divine strength and guidance, the Kirtland Temple, an upcoming Relief Society devotional, becoming humble as children and more.

President Jeffrey R. Holland, acting president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, reminded his social media followers facing difficulties that God loves them and He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to strengthen them.

“When you take steps toward Him, reach for Him, and invite Him to be your strength, He will come to you and you will find Him,” President Holland said, “There is no choice you can make that somehow places you beyond His reach.”

The Relief Society general presidency — President Camille N. Johnson and counselors Sister J. Anette Dennis and Sister Kristin M. Yee — invited women to participate in the Relief Society worldwide devotional, featuring Church President Russell M. Nelson, on March 17, 2024, commemorating the 182nd anniversary of the founding of the organization.

They are also invited to view the broadcast with other Relief Society members in their area. Following the Prophet’s message, viewers are asked to share their testimonies among their watch groups.

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Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles shared that the restored gospel of Jesus Christ answers one of the most fundamental questions of the life: “What will happen after I die?”

After the Resurrection — or the reunion of the soul and body granted as a free gift through Jesus Christ — all people will stand for judgement before God. Those who followed the laws and ordinances of the gospel will inherit a kingdom of “unimaginable” and “majestic” glory.

“I have confidence that we will not only be satisfied with the judgment of God;” Elder Uchtdorf said, “we will also be astonished and overwhelmed by His infinite grace, mercy, generosity, and love for us, His children.”

Elder Uchtdorf later in the week shared a post about the Church’s recent purchase of the Kirtland Temple. While there for a recent leadership conference, he pondered on the divine guidance the Saints received while enduring trials in Kirtland. He said Saints today can continue to rely on divine guidance.

“As He did with the Saints in Kirtland, He will help us to live a joyful life even under challenging circumstances today,” Elder Uchtdorf said.

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Sister Tamara W. Runia, first counselor in the Young Women general presidency, invited young women to kneel down each night, push past negative feelings and communicate with God about their day.

See past roundups of social posts from Church leaders

Elder D. Todd Christofferson said that the love Heavenly Father has for His children should give everyone the confidence to reach out in prayer — even when one feels unworthy. He continued that when people keep His commandments, they depend less and less on the approval of others to guide them.

“He is willing to guide each of us along His covenant path with steps designed to our individual needs and tailored to His plan for our ultimate happiness with Him,” Elder Christofferson said.

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Sister Amy A. Wright, first counselor in the Primary general presidency, posted about how her attendance at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for a new Primary Children’s Hospital reminded her of the “inherent altruistic nature” of children and the “incaluable difference” small acts of kindness can make. As a child she donated pennies to help fund the hospital and always felt like she was helping save a child’s life.

“If I could go back in time,” Sister Wright said, “I would put my arm around that little girl and tell her, ‘Yes! You are saving a child’s life, and decades from now, one of those children will be your own son.’”

Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles shared a video of his visit to Cardinal Sin Village, an apartment complex in Manila, Philippines, where the Church repaired a water tank that gives access to running clean water for the residents. When he arrived, Elder Andersen was embraced by several children who live in the apartment. He said that at that moment he thought of Matthew 18: 1-4, where Jesus says that those who humble themselves as little children inherit the kingdom of heaven.

“[These children] gave to us much more than we ever gave to this village,” Elder Andersen said.

Sister Tracy Y. Browning, second counselor in the Primary general presidency, said that as individuals keep their covenants can radiate a light that helps others see Jesus Christ.

“Jesus still wants you for a sunbeam,” Sister Browning said, “I invite you to joyfully continue to be a sunbeam for Him.”

Young Men General President Steven J. Lund bore his testimony of the Book of Mormon, this year’s “Come, Follow Me” curriculum. He defended the Prophet Joseph Smith, asking why he didn’t write a sequel, if he could so easily write a first book with such complex characters, religious doctrine and dating systems within 75 days.

“The obvious answer is that he didn’t write another volume because he never wrote the first one,” President Lund said, “He translated the book by the gift and power of God.”

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