
This week on social: What President Holland had to say about the Book of Mormon

President Oaks reflects on the dedication of the Urdaneta Philippines Temple, President Holland urges his listeners to read the Book of Mormon, plus more

This week on social media, leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints shared gospel messages — including a video from President Jeffrey R. Holland, acting president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, sharing his feelings on “the wonderful teachings of Jesus Christ” recorded in the Book of Mormon.

President Dallin H. Oaks, first counselor in the First Presidency, posted about the “privilege” he had to preside over the dedication of the Urdaneta Philippines Temple.

“Temple teachings center on Jesus Christ. All that is taught here relates to our Savior,” President Oaks said. “This is His House. This is His work, and the work of His Father. I pray that our Heavenly Father will help us qualify for the blessings that are our destiny as His children.”

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During a keynote address at BYU Women’s Conference, Relief Society General President Camille N. Johnson shared how keeping the Lord and her family as her top priorities has allowed God to prevail in her life.

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President Holland read three excerpts (3 Nephi 5:8-9; 3 Nephi 5:18; Alma 26:16) out of the Book of Mormon that talk about the limitations inherent in writing and expressing spiritual things. Referring back to 3 Nephi 5:8-9, where the prophet Mormon says there are other records containing the entire account of his people, President Holland said: “If that much is available out there, the least we can do is read the book that we’ve got, because there’s a lot of other good stuff coming.

Sister Amy A. Wright, first counselor in the Primary general presidency, shared a clip from her recent BYU–Hawaii devotional address, where she invited students to seek out holy places where the presence of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can be found.

“You will find them in the scriptures and words of the living prophets,” Sister Wright said. “You will find them in the house of the Lord. You will find them as you serve others.”

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In a video, Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles shared his thoughts on the gift of repentance, saying that Jesus Christ paid a terrible price to atone for the sins of all people. Responding to the often-quoted phrase “it’s never too late to repent,” he said it is more accurate to say, “It’s not too late to repent.” He urged those listening to his message to not procrastinate their repentance and to follow Church President Russell M. Nelson’s direction to repent daily, making small course corrections to improve their discipleship.

Sister Tracy Y. Browning, second counselor in the Primary general presidency, discussed the Primary children’s song “Lift Up Your Voice and Sing,” which compares singing to a prayer. She asked her viewers how music and singing has brought joy and covenant-keeping into their lives.

Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles shared an experience he had in college when he and his friends made a goal to share a copy of the Book of Mormon to someone each day while on a road trip.

“Praying and looking for people to receive a Book of Mormon taught me in a wonderful way that this book is indeed a testament of Jesus Christ and that we can love, share and invite others in ways that bless us and all of God’s children,” Elder Gong said.

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Brother Bradley R. Wilcox, first counselor in the Young Men general presidency, spoke in a Young Men Worldwide reel about service, sharing a story about a classmate who helped him finish a mile run.

“Service doesn’t have to be a big huge deal,” Brother Wilcox said. “Service just means you’re going to see a need and you’re going to meet that need.”

Brother Milton Camargo, first counselor in the Sunday School general presidency, shared some of what he learned in studying King Benjamin’s final speech to the people of Nephi as recorded in the Book of Mormon. He marveled how the king, instead of focusing his final words on his own accomplishments as a leader, exhorted his people to find happiness through Jesus Christ.

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