
Today is Sister Yee’s birthday. Read 9 of her quotes from the past year

Born May 5, 1981, Sister Yee has served in the Relief Society general presidency since Aug. 1, 2022

Sister Kristin M. Yee was sustained April 2, 2022, as second counselor in the Relief Society general presidency and began her service on Aug. 1, 2022. She was born on May 5, 1981, in Sacramento, California, and later moved to Idaho and Utah.

She worked as a texture and concept artist and a senior producer at Disney Interactive Studios for 13 years before becoming the manager/producer of the Church’s animation team.

Before her call to the Relief Society general presidency, Sister Yee served as a member of the Primary general advisory council, stake Relief Society president, ward Relief Society counselor and secretary, ward Young Women president and adviser, Gospel Doctrine instructor, ward missionary and temple ordinance worker in the Salt Lake and Bountiful Utah temples.

In honor of her birthday, here are nine quotes from Sister Yee over the past year.

1. Covenant rest

Sister Kristin M. Yee, second counselor in the Relief Society general presidency, teaches about the power and importance of covenants during the opening keynote address for the 2024 BYU Women’s Conference on Wednesday, May 1, 2024, at the BYU Marriott Center.
Sister Kristin M. Yee, second counselor in the Relief Society general presidency, teaches about the power and importance of covenants during the opening keynote address for the 2024 BYU Women’s Conference on Wednesday, May 1, 2024, at the BYU Marriott Center. | Rebeca Fuentes, BYU

“Rest comes when we know that God knows us and loves us. His rest comes when we find joy in bringing the Savior’s relief to others and let others bring His relief to us. … Rest comes when we remember and reflect upon the beautiful blessings God mercifully grants us each day.”

BYU Women’s Conference, May 1, 2024

2. Family history and temple work

“When we engage in the gathering of Israel, we bring the Savior’s RELIEF in one of the most loving and eternally significant ways. The gathering of Israel is not just a logistical exercise. It is gathering all of God’s family, including you and me, into the covenant blessings He desires for us, the blessings of a covenant relationship.”

This week on social, March 15, 2024

3. Partnership with God

Sister Kristin M. Yee, second counselor in the Relief Society general presidency, speaks during the filming of a worldwide Relief Society devotional at the Relief Society Building in Salt Lake City on Thursday, Feb. 1, 2024. | Kristin Murphy, Deseret News

“We are never alone. We do not need to navigate the challenges, the uncertainties and the weaknesses of life alone. He will be beside us; this is our covenant promise and blessing.”

Relief Society Worldwide gathering, March 17, 2024

4. #BecauseofHim

“Because of Him, I can be redeemed. I can change. If I repent and turn to Him, that He will help me, that He will purify my heart, that I can become more as He is.”

This week on social, March 29, 2024

5. Covenant relationships with Jesus Christ

Sister Kristin M. Yee, second counselor in the Relief Society general presidency, speaks during a devotional at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2023. | Joey Garrison/BYU Photo

“Our Heavenly Father and Savior want to give you an abundance of blessings, a personal well of living water through your covenants.”

BYU devotional, Oct. 24, 2023

6. Talents

“But I’ve learned that we when use our talents to bring happiness to others, the Savior helps us to grow our talents. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love you, and They will help you to use your talents to bless others as you keep practicing and listening to the prompting of the Holy Ghost.”

Instagram reel, Oct. 8, 2023

7. Journey of faith

In the Church News video “Guided by the Lord,” Sister Kristin M. Yee, second counselor in the Relief Society general counselor, learned when she moved to California as a teenager the importance of the influence of the Holy Ghost helping her along the way. | Screenshot from YouTube

“[The guidance of the Holy Ghost] led me to be able to make bigger, I think I would say more difficult, decisions, perhaps, in faith.”

Church News video, July 27, 2023

8. Running for Christ

“Your pace and progress is between you and the Lord. And I think He’s not so much concerned about your placement in comparison to the person ahead of you or behind you. Rather, I think He’s focused on helping you to keep going wherever you are in your personal journey back home to Him. So find and enjoy the pace that works for you, and let Heavenly Father and the Savior strengthen and enlighten your steps!”

Facebook post, Aug. 18, 2023

9. Loving God more

Sister Kristin M. Yee, second counselor in the Relief Society general presidency, center, greets sister missionaries in Nauvoo, Illinois, in October 2023. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

“The more we understand God’s ways, the more we will love Him.”

Nauvoo Relief Society devotional, Oct. 19, 2023

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