During the week of May 12-18, the Church News released a video featuring President Dallin H. Oaks, first counselor in the First Presidency, and his wife, Sister Kristen Oaks, looking back at the strength influence women in the Philippines. Also, Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles at Ensign College, spoke at an Ensign College devotional. In temple updates, there are five upcoming temple dedications in the next five weeks, a temple groundbreaking was announced and two renderings were released.
Other stories published this week include coverage of the annual gathering for the Church’s past and present women leaders, the 195th anniversary of the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood, how the Church is supporting UNICEF’s vaccination efforts against maternal and neonatal tetanus and the Church’s response to natural disasters in Brazil and Papua New Guinea. This week’s podcast episode features Deseret News opinion editor Jay Evensen.
Read summaries and find links to these nine stories below.
1. Video: What President and Sister Oaks learned in the Philippines about the strength and influence of women

Commenting on his 2002 to 2004 assignment as an Apostle to “establish the Church” in the Philippines, President Oaks noted the influence and leadership exhibited by mothers and wives in Filipino households and how that helped move the work forward among priesthood leaders. While President Oaks and Area Seventies would meet with priesthood holders, Sister Oaks and the wives of other area leaders would meet with the women to teach them the “full Church program.”
Watch the video here.
2. Elder Cook encourages individuals to have a ‘heart in tune with the music of faith’
In an Ensign College devotional on Tuesday, May 14, Elder Cook encouraged students to soften their hearts, live according to the Savior’s teachings, be in harmony with the promptings of the Spirit and actively study the scriptures. He also asked them to keep marriage, children and family at the forefront of their personal goals.
Read the full article here.
3. 5 upcoming temple dedications in 5 Sundays, 2 by Elder Gong in succession

Beginning with the dedications of the Puebla Mexico Temple on May 19 and Taylorsville Utah Temple on June 2 — both by Elder Gerrit W. Gong — the five-week span of temple dedications will also include the Cobán Guatemala Temple, Salta Argentina Temple and Layton Utah Temple. While significant, it’s not the first time several temples have been dedicated in such a short period. In April 2000, for example, members of the First Presidency dedicated six temples.
Read the full article here.
4. Groundbreaking date set for Ribeirão Preto Brazil Temple and exterior renderings released for temples in Brazil, Guatemala

The First Presidency announced that groundbreaking for the Ribeirão Preto Brazil Temple will take place June 22. It is one of 23 temples in Brazil dedicated, announced or under construction. Artist renderings for the Maceió Brazil Temple and Huehuetenango Guatemala Temple were also released. Both temples were announced by President Russell M. Nelson in 2022.
Read more about the Ribeirão Preto Brazil Temple groundbreaking here and the Maceió and Huehuetenango temple renderings here.
5. ‘A glorious season to be covenant women’: Annual luncheon for current and past women leaders
About 200 current and former members of Primary, Young Women and Relief Society general organization leadership gathered for an annual luncheon where the three current women general presidents — President Camille N. Johnson, President Emily Belle Freeman and President Susan H. Porter — gave updates about their organizations’ work and shared uplifting messages about women’s role in God’s plan.
Read the full article here.
6. Significant event in Latter-day Saint history occurred 195 years ago this month

May 15 marked the 195th anniversary of the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood through the Prophet Joseph Smith and his scribe Oliver Cowdery. The landmark event ushered in the restoration of Jesus Christ’s original Church, complete with the authority to perform saving ordinances such as baptism. On that day in 1829, John the Baptist appeared to Joseph and Oliver and conferred the Aaronic Priesthood upon them, allowing them to then baptize each other with full authority.
Read the full article here.
7. Responding to natural disasters in Brazil and Papua New Guinea

Following deadly floods and earthquakes in Brazil and Papua New Guinea, the Church has responded with volunteers, food, supplies and shelter. In Brazil, 21 meetinghouses were opened to shelter hundreds of displaced people. In Papua New Guinea, local leaders organized several trips by truck and boat to transport water containers, canvases and tarpaulins, and food supplies.
Read the full stories about the humanitarian response in Brazil here and the response in Papua New Guinea here.
8. Mothers in Pakistan and Yemen find hope in fight against maternal and neonatal tetanus

The Church is supporting efforts by UNICEF to provide maternal and neonatal tetanus vaccines to women Pakistan and Yemen. In December 2022, the Church provided UNICEF with a $5 million donation to combat the disease in the Middle East and Africa. UNICEF announced that the support from the Church and other nonprofit and governmental organizations has helped reach 3 million women in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region of Pakistan.
Read the full article here.
9. Church News podcast, episode 188: Deseret News opinion editor Jay Evensen on forgiveness and peacemaking

In the latest Church News podcast, Jay Evensen, working as Deseret News opinion editor since 1996, talks about the legacy and mission of the Deseret News to inform and influence, as well as forgiveness and peacemaking in a polarized society.