
This week on social: Noting his upcoming 100th birthday, President Nelson asks members to minister to ‘the one’

The Prophet invites members to serve others, President Johnson and 3 Apostles share insights from their ministries around the world, and youth leaders share counsel on planning activities

This week on social media, President Russell M. Nelson asked members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to note his 100th birthday by reaching out to one person who needs encouragement and comfort. Meanwhile, other Church leaders posted about their ministry visits around the world and counseled members on receiving guidance from the Lord, developing daily righteous habits and planning activities.

In light of his upcoming birthday, President Nelson — referencing the parable of the shepherd who left his 99 other sheep to find the missing one — invited Latter-day Saints to note his centennial milestone by prayerfully considering who they can minister to one-on-one. He asked that members do this over the next 100 days leading up to his birthday, which is Sept. 9. Three other senior leaders of the Church echoed his call in their own social accounts using the hashtag #99plus1.

“What a beautiful example the Savior has shown us — that through each of us ministering to just one within our reach, we can spread the love of Jesus Christ throughout the world,” President Nelson said.

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Relief Society General President Camille N. Johnson on a ministry visit to Central American nations posted a video from the Panama City Panama Temple where said the temple “is at the heart of everything that we do.”

President Dallin H. Oaks, first counselor in the First Presidency, repeated President Nelson’s invitation to reach out to “the one.” He noted their 40 years serving together as apostles and how President Nelson has consistently taught him by example how to serve selflessly and lovingly.

“President Nelson is an exemplary follower and servant of the Savior,” President Oaks said. “He is a great role model for all members and leaders in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He is always very open and easy to approach, and he is unfailingly kind and compassionate.”

Sister Andrea Muñoz Spannaus, second counselor in the Young Women general presidency, posted on Young Women Worldwide about the importance of planning activities in councils ahead of time, so the activities are more enjoyable and meaningful. She referenced Moses 3:5, where the Lord says He created all things spiritually before He created them physically. She outlined a six-step process for planning activities, which begins with considering the needs of class members and having a clear purpose.

President Henry B. Eyring, second counselor in the First Presidency, added his praise for President Nelson and reiterated his call to serve someone as the Savior would. He mentioned how he has always been impressed by how President Nelson’s love for others translates to his ability to remember their names and when they met. Even the sound of his voice when he speaks their names “seems to convey his great love.”

Primary General President Susan H. Porter wrote that people can come to know for themselves that God is real and He loves them.

“When you know that Heavenly Father is real and that He loves you, you can live with courage and hope!” said President Porter.

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President Jeffrey R. Holland, acting president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, called President Nelson “the kindest man I have ever been associated with,” adding that he cannot think of a time the Prophet was unkind, abrupt, rude or insensitive.

“I genuinely believe that Russell M. Nelson may be the man for whom the word ‘gentleman’ was created,” President Holland said. “As we strive to follow the Savior, let us follow the example of President Nelson’s Christlike character.”

Sister Amy A. Wright, first counselor in the Primary general presidency, posted about how both the prophet Abinadi and the Savior Jesus Christ stood alone in their sufferings, yet they endured because of the willingness to humbly submit to will of the Lord.

In an Instagram live Q&A, Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles answered two questions from young adults concerning spiritual promptings, trusting in God and making the right decisions.

Elder Bednar testified to viewers that because God knows each person personally, all who keep their covenants can trust that they will not “go amiss.”

“If I trust in God, if I am not perfect but I am living the gospel, I am going to press forward, anticipating that I will discover things along the way that will help me. But I cannot discover them if I am just sitting and waiting for an answer to show up.”

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Sister Tracy Y. Browning, second counselor in the Primary general presidency, shared in a video one of the principles she recently shared with BYU–Idaho graduates, which is that developing simple daily routines — such as prayer, scripture study and temple attendance — can bring one closer to Jesus Christ, remaining “steadfast” on the covenant path.

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Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles posted about the “moving” experience he and his wife, Sister Kathy Christofferson, had visiting the Tambo Memorial Hospital in Johannesburg, South Africa, to which the Church has donated. As they saw the newborn infants, their older siblings and mothers, the Christoffersons felt that each life was sacred and truly mattered.

“When you see a life hanging in the balance and the tender care given to each child, it becomes more real and more clear,” Elder Christofferson said. “It is care inspired by the Spirit and given in the name of and following the example of Christ.”

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Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke highly of the Saints in Chlle, where he visited recently.

“Their eyes were bright and their hearts were open and willing,” Elder Andersen said of the youth, adding that their country and the future of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ there are beautiful and bright.

In one of several posts he made about his ministry to the Church’s South America Northwest Area — including Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela and Colombia — Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles wrote about grateful he is for God’s plan of happiness for his children.

“How blessed we are to have a Father in Heaven who loves us and a Savior who provides a path for us to follow to find joy in this life and for all eternity,” Elder Rasband said.

Brother Michael T. Nelson, second counselor in the Young Men general presidency, wrote to young men that the Lord has great confidence in them and will work through them to accomplish great things. He will help them plan activities that will prepare them and their Young Men groups to “be smarter and wiser and have more impact on the world than any previous generation!” he posted on Young Men Worldwide, quoting President Russell M. Nelson.

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