In the 14th in a series of 15 videos set to be released by members of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, President Dallin H. Oaks said the Savior is always willing to help those who want His help.
President Oaks’ Easter testimony video is based on his October 2015 general conference message titled “Strengthened by the Atonement of Jesus Christ.” In the video, he shared, “The Savior has the power to succor, to help, every mortal pain and affliction.”
“Because of His atoning experience in mortality, our Savior is able to comfort, heal and strengthen all men and women everywhere, but I believe He only does so for those who seek Him and ask for His help,” President Oaks said.

President Oaks on the Savior
President Oaks was sustained in general conference as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles on April 7, 1984. He was set apart as first counselor in the current First Presidency on Jan. 14, 2018. He has spoken in general conference 89 times.
In his October 2003 general conference message titled “Repentance and Change,” President Oaks talked about the need to repent and the ability to be forgiven thanks to the Savior’s sacrifice.
“The gospel of Jesus Christ challenges us to change. ‘Repent’ is its most frequent message, and repenting means giving up all of our practices — personal, family, ethnic, and national — that are contrary to the commandments of God,” President Oaks said. “The purpose of the gospel is to transform common creatures into celestial citizens, and that requires change.”
Three years ago, in his April 2021 general conference address titled “What Has Our Savior Done for Us?” President Oaks asked and answered the question posed in that message’s title. Again, he spoke of the forgiveness available to all of Heavenly Father’s children through Jesus Christ.
“Our Savior and Redeemer endured incomprehensible suffering to become a sacrifice for the sins of all mortals who would repent. This atoning sacrifice offered the ultimate good, the pure lamb without blemish, for the ultimate measure of evil, the sins of the entire world. It opened the door for each of us to be cleansed of our personal sins so we can be readmitted to the presence of God, our Eternal Father.”