In a special devotional for Primary children in Mexico, Sister Amy A. Wright, first counselor in the Primary general presidency, taught about Heavenly Father’s love for all His children.
“I want you to know that Heavenly Father loves you. He trusts you. And He needs you to help prepare the world for Jesus Christ’s Second Coming,” she said to the Primary children listening all over Mexico.
The devotional, held on Saturday, March 23, originated in Mexico City. Sister Wright was joined by Elder Hugo Montoya and Elder Sean Douglas, both General Authority Seventies who serve as the Mexico Area’s president and second counselor, respectively. Sister Wright used puzzles, music and drawings to help teach gospel principles during the devotional.
Sister Wright invited the children to share something they have learned that someone else had taught them. They shared answers that included how to read, play sports, cook and ride a bike. She then invited them to share what they had been taught about the Jesus Christ and His Church. The children shared characteristics of the Savior and examples from His life that they should follow.

Some Primary children joined Sister Wright in playing “I Am a Child of God” with bells. After the children in the audience recognized the song, she told them that this song can remind them of their identity.
“You are sons and daughters of God,” she said. The children then played some of the notes of other Primary songs to help them understand their purpose. The songs included “Love One Another” and “Come, Follow Me.”
“Not only is it important to love one another,” she said. “But Jesus has invited us to follow Him. He has invited us to do what He did.”
She said that being baptized is entering a covenant with God to take on the name of Christ, always remember Him, keep His commandments and strive to do what Jesus would do.
Sister Wright invited the children to hold a hand up in front of their face and said, “If Jesus Christ is right before your face, we are going to be more cautious about what we say, what we watch, the type of music we listen to, the books we read, the way we talk to one another.”

During the devotional, all the children participating throughout Mexico were invited to sing “I’m Trying to Be like Jesus” to remember some of the ways the Savior acted and invited others to act.
The children were then invited to draw a picture of what they could do to follow the Savior. They drew different images depicting activities like helping siblings, participating in Family Home Evenings, reading the Book of Mormon, going to the temple, serving missions and praying. Elder Montoya and Elder Douglas both drew images, as well, and shared theirs with those watching the devotional.
Sister Wright took a photo of the children with their drawings at the conclusion of the devotional and committed to share the picture with President Russell M. Nelson to show the ways children in Mexico follow Jesus Christ.

As she concluded her message with the children, Sister Wright shared her testimony that children are able to serve Heavenly Father in many ways.
“I testify that you have the capacity to be powerful instruments in the hands of the Lord as together we prepare for His Second Coming,” she said.
The devotional concluded with a video of the children’s song, “I Will Walk with Jesus.”