
Charts show Church’s ongoing growth through 192 years

Numbers of Church members, dedicated temples, wards and branches, and stakes from 1830 to 2022

Growth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints — as measured by numbers of members, dedicated temples, congregations and stakes — continues 193 years after the faith’s founding.

Church membership topped 17 million during 2022. | Church News graphic

The 2022 statistical report for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was released April 1, during the Church’s 193rd Annual General Conference. Church membership during 2022 topped 17 million, up from 16.8 million at the end of 2021.

The number of dedicated temples reached 175 during 2022, an increase of five from 2021. | Church News graphic

As 2022 closed, the Church had 175 dedicated temples. The five dedicated during 2022 were the Rio de Janeiro Brazil, Yigo Guam, Praia Cape Verde, Belém Brazil and Quito Ecuador temples.

So far in 2023, the San Juan Puerto Rico and Richmond Virginia temples have been dedicated, bringing the number to 177 as of May 7.

The number of Latter-day Saint congregations reached 31,330 during 2022. | Church News graphic
The Church had 3,521 stakes at the close of 2022. | Church News graphic

During 2022, the Church’s 3,500th stake was created — a little more than nine years after the 3,000th stake was organized, in Freetown, Sierra Leone, on Dec. 2, 2012. Fourteen years lapsed between creation of the Church’s 2,500th and 3,000th stakes.

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