During the week of June 9-15, the Church News updated the list of invitations given by President Russell M. Nelson, president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. President Jeffery R. Holland and Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke to a group of Church members in California about preparing to receive ordinances in the temple. Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles dedicated the Cobán Guatemala Temple.
Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles presented the Visionary Leadership Award to the Rev. A.R. Bernard of the Christian Cultural Center megachurch. Elder Ulisses Soares of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles ministered to members of the Church in Mongolia and Japan and spoke at a devotional in Utah. The Relief Society general presidency announced a new combined donation of $55.8 million to help improve maternal and child health worldwide.
Members of the Young Women general presidency and Primary general presidency ministered to Church members in Asia about the importance of believing in Jesus Christ. Updates were announced regarding the Londrina Brazil Temple and the Santa Cruz Bolivia Temple. Lloyd and Karmel Newell spoke about their experiences with The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square as they prepare for their service as mission leaders.
Read summaries and find links to these nine stories below.
1. Updated: Invitations President Nelson has given since he became President of the Church

Throughout his ministry as 17th President of the Church, President Nelson has used general conference, social media and other means to extend similar invitations to Latter-day Saints worldwide — invitations to act in faith and come closer to Jesus Christ.
One hundred days before his 100th birthday on Sept. 9, President Nelson posted an invitation on social media for Latter-day Saints to participate in his birthday celebration by reaching out to someone in need.
Read the full list of invitations here.
2. President Holland and Elder Bednar speak in California

President Holland spoke to Church leaders in multiple California stakes about working with urgency when it comes to the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
President Holland invited listeners to lean on their Heavenly Father for help whenever they feel the odds are against them. “Your little challenge is nothing compared to keeping the planets in their orbits,” he said with a smile. “I promise you He is up to it. He can do it.”
Elder Bednar counseled with the stake presidents, bishops, elders quorum presidents and organization leaders to discuss how they are learning from those they serve with while preparing others for the next ordinance.
Read more about President Holland’s teachings here.
Read more about Elder Bednar’s teachings here.
3. Elder Renlund dedicates the Cobán Guatemala Temple
Elder Renlund dedicated the Cobán Guatemala Temple — the Church’s 193rd operating house of the Lord and the third in Guatemala — in two sessions on Sunday, June 9, five years since it was announced in 2019.
“Over many years, you have prayed to have a temple here,” he said. “God has heard those prayers. You have made the construction of this temple possible because of your faith and faithfulness. Thank you for your goodness.”
Read more about the temple dedication here.
Read the Cobán dedicatory prayer here.
4. A model of interfaith cooperation, New York Rev. A.R. Bernard receives leadership award from Elder Cook

Elder Cook was in New York to honor the Rev. A.R. Bernard, as the New York Latter-day Saint Professional Association presented him with its Visionary Leadership Award.
More than 400 people attended the sold-out dinner, including New York and New Jersey religious and government leaders. Those leaders included representatives of Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, African Methodist Episcopal, Greek Orthodox and other Christian denominational organizations.
Read the full story here.
5. ‘Joy in the journey’: Elder Soares ministers in Mongolia and Japan
Elder Soares ministered to members, leaders and missionaries in the Asia North Area. Prior to member devotionals in Mongolia and Japan, Elder Soares met with local stake presidencies in every place he visited to ask what concerns he could address for their members.
In his teachings, he explained that the answer to all of their concerns can be found in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. “Even if we are stumbling or staggering, we can fall into His open arms, feel of His perfect love and know that the space between His arms has been consecrated, through His loving and perfect atoning sacrifice, as a place for us.”
Read the story from Asia here.
See Elder Soares’ invitation for Utah’s Portuguese-speaking Saints here.
6. Church donates $55.8 million to help women and children

Expanding its global initiative to improve maternal and child health worldwide, the Relief Society general presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced a new combined donation of $55.8 million to help in this work.
Through this funding, the Church will collaborate with eight international nonprofit organizations to strengthen health and nutrition programs in 12 high-need countries.
Read the full story here.
7. Sister Spannaus, Sister Wright minister in Asia

Sister Andrea Muñoz Spannaus, second counselor in the Young Women general presidency, ministered in Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Pakistan at the end of May. At the same time, Sister Amy A. Wright, first counselor in the Primary general presidency, met with religious and government leaders in Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia and Vietnam, visited with the Church’s humanitarian partners and also ministered to families, Primary children, youth and young single adults.
Read about Sister Spannaus’ ministry here.
Read about Sister Wright’s ministry here.
8. Groundbreaking updates for new temples in Bolivia, Brazil

On June 10, the First Presidency of the Church announced the date of the groundbreaking of the Londrina Brazil Temple. Elder Ciro Schmeil, a General Authority Seventy and first counselor in the Church’s Brazil Area presidency, will preside at the Aug. 17 groundbreaking and offer a prayer to dedicate the site and construction process.
Elder Jorge F. Zeballos, a General Authority Seventy and president of the Church’s South America Northwest Area, presided at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Santa Cruz Bolivia Temple, offering a prayer dedicating the temple site and construction process.
Read more about the Londrina Brazil Temple here.
Read more about the Santa Cruz Bolivia Temple here.
9. Lloyd and Karmel Newell on their service with the Tabernacle Choir and their future as mission leaders

For more than three decades, Lloyd D. Newell has served as the voice of “Music & the Spoken Word” with The Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square. In recent years, he has been joined by his wife, Karmel Newell, who has served as the choir’s director of member support. They have traveled the world sharing the gospel through inspiring words and music. Now, the pair’s work with the choir is coming to an end as they embark on a new adventure. The Newells will begin serving as leaders in the California Los Angeles Mission on July 1.