The following new missionary training center presidents and companions have been called to serve by the First Presidency. They will begin their service in January 2023.

Kevin E. Calderwood, 61, and Sydnee Calderwood, six children, Reston Ward, Oakton Virginia Stake: Provo Missionary Training Center, succeeding President Benson L. Porter and Sister Kerry Porter. Brother and Sister Calderwood previously served as mission leaders in the New York New York South Mission. Brother Calderwood is a recently released Area Seventy and former area JustServe specialist, stake president, bishop, ward Young Men president, ward mission leader and missionary in the Scotland Edinburgh Mission. He was born in Orem, Utah, to Bobby Earl Calderwood and Ellen Marie Carroll Calderwood.
Sister Calderwood is a Sunday School teacher and former area JustServe specialist, ward Relief Society president, ward Young Women president, Cub Scout leader and institute teacher. She was born in Fruita, Colorado, to Stephen Lee Butler and Enid Peacock Butler.

Bruce W Chesnut, 66, and Tamara Chesnut, four children, Lindon 1st Ward, Lindon Utah Central Stake: India Service Support Center, succeeding President Milton P. Shipp and Sister Heidi Shipp. Brother and Sister Chesnut previously served as mission leaders in the Nevada Reno Mission. Brother Chesnut is a Sunday School teacher and former stake presidency counselor, high councilor, stake Young Men president, bishop, bishopric counselor, branch president, ward Young Men president and missionary in the Arizona Tempe Mission. He was born in American Fork, Utah, to James Clyde Chesnut and Jeanelle Chesnut.
Sister Chesnut is a ward Relief Society activity committee member and former ward Young Women president, ward Relief Society presidency counselor, ward Relief Society visiting teacher coordinator and Primary teacher. She was born in Logan, Utah, to Roger Blain Brown and Gloria Day.

David W. DeLaMare, 66, and Kayla DeLaMare, six children, Pheasant Pointe 8th Ward, Lehi Utah Pheasant Pointe Stake: Philippines Missionary Training Center, succeeding President Wayne E. Maurer and Tracy Mauer. Brother and Sister DeLaMare previously served as mission leaders in the Philippines Quezon City Mission. Brother DeLaMare is a ward temple and family history leader and former stake president, bishop, Provo MTC branch president and missionary in the Philippines Manila Mission. He was born in Salt Lake City to Donlon Philip DeLaMare and Ardith Kimball DeLaMare.
Sister DeLaMare is a stake Relief Society president and former ward Relief Society president, ward Young Women president and assistant branch mission leader. She was born in Murray, Utah, to Norman Kendall Harris and Diana Cutler Harris.

Robert W. Hymas, 64, and Kathy Hymas, five children, Edgemont 4th Ward, Provo Utah Edgemont Stake: México Missionary Training Center, succeeding President Dale B. Kirkham and Sister Jill Kirkham. Brother and Sister Hymas are serving as a Provo Missionary Training Center presidency counselor and Relief Society presidency counselor, respectively, and previously served as mission leaders in the Argentina Bahía Blanca Mission. Brother Hymas is a former Area Seventy, temple sealer, stake president, high councilor, bishop, elders quorum president and missionary in the Argentina Buenos Aires South Mission. He was born in Salt Lake City to William Merrill Hymas and Anna Darlene Hymas.
Sister Hymas is a former stake and ward Relief Society president, ward Primary president, institute teacher, Primary music leader, ward activity committee chair and missionary in the Bolivia Santa Cruz Mission. She was born in Salt Lake City to Eran Abegg Call and Katherine Groesbeck Call.

Mark A. Jarman, 66, and Sylvia Ruth Jarman, five children, Grandview 9th Ward, Provo Utah Grandview Stake: Perú Missionary Training Center, succeeding President Scott T. Jackson and Sister Ruthanne Jackson. Brother and Sister Jarman previously served as mission leaders in the Dominican Republic Santo Domingo East Mission. Brother Jarman is a patriarch and former stake presidency counselor, bishop, bishopric counselor, elders quorum president, elders quorum presidency counselor, ward Young Men president, Sunday School teacher and missionary in the Chile Concepción Mission. He was born in Harlingen, Texas, to Boyd Orson Jarman and Lois Katheryn Conger Jarman.
Sister Jarman is a patriarch scribe and former stake Primary presidency counselor, ward Relief Society president, ward Young Women presidency counselor, ward Primary presidency counselor, ward Young Women assistant camp director, Sunday School teacher, Primary teacher, Relief Society compassionate service coordinator and Primary activity days leader. She was born in Provo, Utah, to Paul Alphonzo Simmons and Virginia Larsen Simmons.

Mark O. Lords, 67, and Gwen Lords, six children, Wasatch View Ward, Heber City Utah East Stake: Ghana Missionary Training Center, succeeding President Paul W. Craig and Sister Nadine Craig. Brother and Sister Lords previously served as mission leaders in the Tennessee Nashville Mission. Brother Lords is a patriarch and former Provo MTC district president, mission presidency counselor, stake presidency counselor, high councilor, bishop, ward mission leader, ward Young Men president, Sunday School teacher and missionary in the Minnesota Minneapolis Mission. He was born in Tripler, Hawaii, to Spencer Lutz Lords and Kathleen Beth Lords.
Sister Lords is a former district Relief Society presidency counselor, ward Relief Society president, ward Young Women president, ward Primary president, Young Women adviser, visiting teaching supervisor, Relief Society compassionate service coordinator, Sunday School teacher, Primary teacher and nursery leader. She was born in Rexburg, Idaho, to William Theodore Steinman and LaRue Fowler.

Mark J. Pendleton, 69, and Jo Ann Pendleton, five children, Swiss Alpine Ward, Midway Utah West Stake: South Africa Missionary Training Center, succeeding President Raymon D. Foote and Sister Cindy Foote. Brother and Sister Pendleton previously served as mission leaders in the California Roseville Mission. Brother Pendleton is a ward mission leader and former general Young Men presidency board member, stake president, high councilor, stake Young Men president, bishop, bishopric counselor, ward Young Men president, single adult adviser and missionary in the California Oakland Mission. He was born in Spokane, Washington, to Kenneth Calvin Pendleton and Virginia Woodward Pendleton.
Sister Pendleton is a stake Relief Society president, stake single adult adviser, ward Young Women president, ward Relief Society presidency counselor, ward Primary presidency counselor, Relief Society teacher, Primary teacher and nursery leader. She was born in Tacoma, Washington, to Ivan Douglas Jordan and Jerrolyn W Jordan.

Fernando M. Silva, 65, and Monica Silva, four children, Silver Stone Ward, Washington Utah Buena Vista Stake: Brazil Missionary Training Center, succeeding President David L. Beck and Sister Robyn Beck. Brother and Sister Silva previously served as mission leaders in the Brazil Salvador Mission and temple president and matron in the São Paulo Brazil Temple. Brother Silva is a Primary activities leader and former temple sealer, bishop, elders quorum president and missionary in the Brazil São Paulo South Mission. He was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to Caneades Castro e Silva and Moema Coaracy Muniz.
Sister Silva is a Primary activities leader and former ward Relief Society presidency counselor, ward Young Women presidency counselor and Gospel Doctrine teacher. She was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to Renato Lacerda and Maria Jose Rodrigues Lacerda.

Don H. Staheli, 73, and Cyndy Staheli, five children, Val Verda 1st Ward, Bountiful Utah Val Verda Stake: England Missionary Training Center, succeeding President Creg D. Ostler and Sister Sondra Ostler. Brother and Sister Staheli previously served as mission leaders in the France Paris Mission and temple president and matron in the Bountiful Utah Temple. Brother Staheli is a stake missionary preparation emotional resilience specialist and temple sealer and former patriarch, stake president, stake executive secretary, high councilor, stake Young Men president, bishop, ward executive secretary, ward Young Men president and missionary in the Franco-Belgium Mission. He was born in Spanish Fork, Utah, to Gerald Douglass Staheli and Nadine Hansen Staheli.
Sister Staheli is a ward Primary presidency counselor and temple ordinance worker and former member of the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square, ward Relief Society president, ward Young Women president, ward Primary president, ward music director, Primary teacher, seminary teacher and Primary music leader. She was born in Salt Lake City to Harold Shiblon Bodine and Marian Hirschi.