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A temple for Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Mexico, was announced Feb. 25, 1999, by the First Presidency via letters to local priesthood leaders. The First Presidency at the time consisted of President Gordon B. Hinckley, President Thomas S. Monson and President James E. Faust.
Ground was broken for the Tuxtla Gutiérrez Mexico Temple on March 20, 1999. Elder Richard E. Turley Sr. — a General Authority Seventy and counselor in the Mexico South Area presidency — presided over the ceremony, which had 297 attendees.
The public was invited to tour the house of the Lord from Feb. 29 to March 4, 2000. A total of 6,082 visitors toured the temple during this time.
President James E. Faust dedicated the Tuxtla Gutiérrez Mexico Temple in four sessions on March 12, 2000. A total of 3,316 Latter-day Saints attended a session.
25 February 1999
12 March 2000
Carretera a Chicoasén Kilometro 1.4
Esquina Paseo de la Roseta
Fraccionamiento San José Chapultepec
29047 Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas
View schedule and book online
(52) 961-615-8287
This was the sixth Latter-day Saint temple in Mexico.
It was announced just two days after the Oaxaca Mexico Temple was announced. The Tuxtla Gutiérrez temple was also dedicated the day after the Oaxaca temple was dedicated. President James E. Faust dedicated both temples.
The Tuxtla Gutiérrez temple was the fourth of four Mexico temples dedicated in a two-week period. The other three houses of the Lord included the Ciudad Juarez Mexico, Hermosillo Sonora Mexico and Oaxaca Mexico temples. In this two-week period, the four temples tripled the number of temples in the country, from two to six.
It was dedicated less than a year after construction started.
Before the Tuxtla Gutiérrez temple was dedicated, some Latter-day Saints in the region would travel by bus for as long as 18 hours to attend a temple.
This was the sixth Latter-day Saint temple in Mexico.
It was announced just two days after the Oaxaca Mexico Temple was announced. The Tuxtla Gutiérrez temple was also dedicated the day after the Oaxaca temple was dedicated. President James E. Faust dedicated both temples.
The Tuxtla Gutiérrez temple was the fourth of four Mexico temples dedicated in a two-week period. The other three houses of the Lord included the Ciudad Juarez Mexico, Hermosillo Sonora Mexico and Oaxaca Mexico temples. In this two-week period, the four temples tripled the number of temples in the country, from two to six.
It was dedicated less than a year after construction started.
Before the Tuxtla Gutiérrez temple was dedicated, some Latter-day Saints in the region would travel by bus for as long as 18 hours to attend a temple.