Following is the text of the prayer offered by Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles to dedicate the Layton Utah Temple on Sunday, June 16, 2024.
O God, the Eternal Father, our hearts are filled with gratitude and our souls are stirred by the power of the Holy Ghost as we commence this prayer of dedication. We thank Thee for this special day and sacred event.
We thank Thee for Thy great plan of happiness and for Thy Beloved and Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. We thank Thee for Thy Son’s atoning and redeeming roles in Thy eternal plan and reverence Him as our Savior.
We thank Thee for the Restoration of the gospel of Thy Son through the Prophet Joseph Smith. We thank Thee for the Book of Mormon, even another testament of Jesus Christ. We thank Thee for the return of priesthood authority and keys, for the establishment of Thy Son’s Church in the latter days, and for the sacred ordinances that enable each of us to have a covenant connection with Thee and Thy Son.

We thank Thee for the blessings and consecrated resources that make it possible today for houses of the Lord to dot the earth. We are grateful to live in this special season of the dispensation of the fullness of times and to stand as witnesses of the ongoing Restoration.
We are grateful for the faithfulness of Thy Saints and for their tithes and offerings that have made this house of the Lord possible. Please bless them, open the windows of heaven and shower down upon them every needful gift.
We acknowledge and thank Thee today for the pioneers who over many decades helped to establish Thy Son’s restored Church in the communities that comprise the Layton Utah Temple District. The faithfulness and consecrated service of these noble souls continues to bless and strengthen each of us and our families. We gratefully remember the righteous examples of those marvelous Saints who gave all their hearts, minds and strength to the Lord with wisdom and vision so clear.
Beloved Heavenly Father, in the name of Thy Son, Jesus Christ, and acting in the authority of the holy Melchizedek Priesthood and with the authorization of the President of Thy Son’s restored Church, we dedicate and consecrate unto Thee and unto Thy Beloved Son the Layton Utah Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
We pray Thou wilt accept and visit this holy house. We ask Thee to bless this sacred sanctuary with Thy Spirit today and always.

We dedicate every space and feature of the structure from the footings to the top of the steeples. We dedicate the grounds, the ancillary facilities, the landscaping and the decorations for the accomplishment of Thy divine purposes.
We dedicate the baptismal font and the initiatory, endowment, sealing and celestial rooms for the blessing of individuals and families on both sides of the veil.
We ask Thee to watch over and protect this temple from the disruptive and destructive forces of nature and all acts of evil.
May the power of godliness that is made manifest in the ordinances of the holy priesthood draw all of Thy covenant children to this holy house. We ask Thee to help each of us to appreciate more fully and strengthen our covenant connection with Thee and Thy Beloved Son.
We especially ask Thee to bless the children and youth of the rising generation. May they strive diligently to grow up in Thee, to cherish the gift of the Holy Ghost, to be armed with Thy power and protection, and to be prepared to obtain every needful spiritual blessing and gift. Please guide and inspire parents and leaders as they help children and youth to learn for themselves, understand, live and love the doctrine of Thy Son’s gospel.
We ask Thee to safeguard and bless the patrons and leaders who will worship and serve in this house of the Lord. May all people who shall enter upon the threshold of this temple feel Thy power — and feel constrained to acknowledge that Thou hast sanctified this house as a place of holiness. May the spiritual lessons learned in this sacred place bless and transform individuals, families, homes and communities.
Holy Father, we love Thee. We thank Thee for Thy love and for Thy Beloved Son. Please hear our prayer on this day of dedication, we sincerely ask in the sacred name of Thy Son, even the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.