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President Russell M. Nelson announced a temple for Orem, Utah, on Oct. 5, 2019, during the women’s session of October 2019 general conference.
The temple’s groundbreaking ceremony was held on Sept. 5, 2020, with Elder Craig C. Christensen, Utah Area president, presiding. This event happened exactly 11 months after the temple was announced.
A fire inside the temple ignited before midnight on July 25, 2022, starting in a third-floor utility room. The fire was quickly and easily extinguished.
The Church held a public open house for the Orem temple from Oct. 27 to Dec. 16, 2023, excluding Sundays and Thanksgiving Day. A media day was also held on Oct. 23, and VIP tours were given from Oct. 24 to Oct. 26.
The Orem Utah Temple was dedicated on Jan. 21, 2024, in two sessions by Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. The sessions were broadcast to all meetinghouses in the temple district.
5 October 2019
21 January 2024
1451 S. 1100 West
Orem, Utah 84058
United States
View schedule and book online
(1) 801-762-6720
This was the 19th Latter-day Saint temple in Utah. It was also the first temple built in the city of Orem and the sixth temple in Utah County, Utah.
This house of the Lord was announced with seven other temples, but the Orem temple held its groundbreaking first.
On Monday, July 25, 2022, at around 11:50 p.m., nearby motorists on the road and residents from apartments around the temple construction reported seeing smoke coming from the temple's upper floors. Light smoke and minimal fire activity were found in a third-floor utility room, and the Orem Fire Department responded quickly and extinguished the fire with a foam that wouldn't cause water damage.
A month after the Orem Utah Temple's dedication, the Provo Utah Temple — later renamed the Provo Utah Rock Canyon Temple — closed for extensive reconstruction.
The first shovelfuls of dirt turned at the groundbreaking ceremony happened over the approximate location of where the celestial room would be built.
The temple site, purchased by the Church in 2004, was home to many fruit orchards.
On Dec. 5, 2023, a tactile open-house tour was held through the Orem temple for those who were visually impaired.
The Orem temple is located less than a mile from Utah Valley University and less than 5 miles from Brigham Young University.
Elder D. Todd Christofferson dedicated this temple just one week after he dedicated the Lima Peru Los Olivos Temple. This marked the first time in nearly 22 years that a senior leader of the Church dedicated two houses of the Lord over two consecutive weekends.
This was the 19th Latter-day Saint temple in Utah. It was also the first temple built in the city of Orem and the sixth temple in Utah County, Utah.
This house of the Lord was announced with seven other temples, but the Orem temple held its groundbreaking first.
On Monday, July 25, 2022, at around 11:50 p.m., nearby motorists on the road and residents from apartments around the temple construction reported seeing smoke coming from the temple's upper floors. Light smoke and minimal fire activity were found in a third-floor utility room, and the Orem Fire Department responded quickly and extinguished the fire with a foam that wouldn't cause water damage.
A month after the Orem Utah Temple's dedication, the Provo Utah Temple — later renamed the Provo Utah Rock Canyon Temple — closed for extensive reconstruction.
The first shovelfuls of dirt turned at the groundbreaking ceremony happened over the approximate location of where the celestial room would be built.
The temple site, purchased by the Church in 2004, was home to many fruit orchards.
On Dec. 5, 2023, a tactile open-house tour was held through the Orem temple for those who were visually impaired.
The Orem temple is located less than a mile from Utah Valley University and less than 5 miles from Brigham Young University.
Elder D. Todd Christofferson dedicated this temple just one week after he dedicated the Lima Peru Los Olivos Temple. This marked the first time in nearly 22 years that a senior leader of the Church dedicated two houses of the Lord over two consecutive weekends.