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On Dec. 4, 1873, Church President Brigham Young announced a temple for Sanpete County, Utah, during a conference held in Ephraim, Utah. On June 25, 1875, during another conference in Ephraim, President Young announced the temple would be built in Manti.
President Brigham Young dedicated the temple site for construction at noon on April 25, 1877. Earlier that morning, President Young went to the site with Warren S. Snow, captain of a pioneer company, and said, “Here is the spot where the Prophet Moroni stood and dedicated this piece of land for a temple site, and that is the reason why the location is made here, and we can’t move it from this spot.”
A private dedication was held on May 17, 1888, before the public dedication. President Wilford Woodruff, the senior Apostle after the death of President John Taylor, offered the prayer. Elders Lorenzo Snow, George Q. Cannon, Brigham Young Jr. and Heber J. Grant of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and other selected Church leaders were present.
The Manti Utah Temple was dedicated publicly from May 21 to May 23, 1888, during three sessions. Elder Lorenzo Snow of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles read President Woodruff’s dedicatory prayer. Around 5,400 Latter-day Saints attended the services.
The temple was temporarily closed fall 1981 for major renovations. Reconstruction included adding new dressing rooms, a children’s nursery area, new offices and three new sealing rooms. Several other changes modernized the pioneer-era temple, such as by recarpeting and refurbishing the interior and installing air conditioning, heating and plumbing systems.
An open house for the temple’s rededication was held from June 6 to June 8, 1985. The event brought in 40,308 visitors, and some visitors waited in line for two and a half hours to enter.
President Gordon B. Hinckley rededicated the Manti temple from June 14 to June 16, 1985, throughout nine sessions. A total of 19,786 people attended the services.
President Russell M. Nelson announced during April 2019 general conference that the Manti temple would be renovated in the coming years. On Oct. 1, 2021, the house of the Lord was closed for mechanical and technological upgrades. Renovations include strengthening the foundation, improving the electrical systems and retrofitting endowment rooms with film technology to allow the ceremony to be viewed in 90 languages.
A public open house will be held for the temple from March 14 to April 5, 2024. A media day will also be held March 11, and invited guests will tour the temple March 11-14.
The Manti Utah Temple will be rededicated April 21, 2024, in a single session and be broadcast to all units within the temple district. The presiding authority at the ceremony has not yet been announced.
25 June 1875
17 May 1888
21 May 1888
14 June 1985
21 April 2024
President Gordon B. Hinckley (in 1985)
To be announced (in 2024)
200 E. 510 N.
Manti, Utah 84642-1701
United States
This is the third Latter-day Saint temple built in Utah. It is also the fifth house of the Lord built since the Church of Jesus Christ was restored but the third still in operation.
When Latter-day Saint pioneers first came to the Sanpete Valley, extreme cold caused them to take shelter on a hill. That became the same hill the Manti temple was built on.
President Brigham Young dedicated the site of the Manti temple on his way home from dedicating the St. George Utah Temple.
The architect for the Manti temple was William H. Folsom, the same person who designed the Provo Tabernacle and the Salt Lake Tabernacle.
Church President Russell M. Nelson, whose father was born in Manti, called the temple “the jewel of this valley.” He also participated in the temple’s 1985 rededication.
This is the third Latter-day Saint temple built in Utah. It is also the fifth house of the Lord built since the Church of Jesus Christ was restored but the third still in operation.
When Latter-day Saint pioneers first came to the Sanpete Valley, extreme cold caused them to take shelter on a hill. That became the same hill the Manti temple was built on.
President Brigham Young dedicated the site of the Manti temple on his way home from dedicating the St. George Utah Temple.
The architect for the Manti temple was William H. Folsom, the same person who designed the Provo Tabernacle and the Salt Lake Tabernacle.
Church President Russell M. Nelson, whose father was born in Manti, called the temple “the jewel of this valley.” He also participated in the temple’s 1985 rededication.