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On Oct. 6, 1876, during the 46th Semiannual General Conference, President Brigham Young announced a temple for Cache Valley in the Utah Territory. President Young also announced that the Utah Territory had been divided into three districts, each district with the responsibility of building a house of the Lord. On Dec. 2, 1876, leaders in northern Utah received a letter specifying that the temple in Cache Valley would be built in the city of Logan.
Church leaders broke ground for the Logan temple on May 18, 1877. Elder Orson Pratt of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles dedicated the site, and President John W. Young, first counselor in the First Presidency, broke ground. This happened less than a month after ground was broken for the Manti Utah Temple, making it the first time in Church history that two groundbreakings happened in the same year.
President John Taylor, third President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, dedicated the Logan Utah Temple from May 17 to May 19, 1884, throughout three sessions. Although space was limited, approximately 1,500 Saints attended the first dedicatory service.
On the night of Dec. 4, 1917, the inside of the temple’s east side caught fire and damaged the walls, carpet, furniture, windows and paintings. The fire originated from faulty wiring in an electric switchboard inside a closet under the main stairway. Church members repaired the damages in around three months.
The temple was closed in fall 1976 for a complete interior reconstruction. The interior was gutted and the roof removed, leaving only the interior floors and exterior walls intact. Technology was also integrated into the temple to allow a video presentation of the previously live endowment.
The Church held an open house for the Logan temple from Feb. 5 to March 3, 1979. The event brought a combined 213,184 guests, more than double the number of visitors originally planned for. The busiest day saw 19,205 guests, with the line to enter stretching seven blocks.
Church President Spencer W. Kimball rededicated the Logan Utah Temple from March 13 to March 15, 1979, throughout nine sessions. Over 1,250 people attended the service in person inside the priesthood room, and around 2,500 people watched the dedication on closed-circuit television.
The temple’s grounds were renovated and modernized in 2009. A water feature from the 1970s was replaced with an oval reflecting pool, and heating sidewalks were added to make heavy snowfall more manageable.
On April 7, 2019, during April 2019 general conference, President Russell M. Nelson announced that the Logan Utah Temple and other pioneer-era temples would be renovated in the coming years. Renovation plans for the Logan temple have not yet been released.
6 October 1876
17 May 1884
13 March 1979
175 N 300 E
Logan, UT 84321
United States
This is the fourth Latter-day Saint temple built, the second still in operation and the second dedicated in Utah Territory.
Both the 1884 dedication and the 1979 rededication of the temple happened during three days.
It is the fourth Latter-day Saint temple rededicated after extensive remodeling. The other three were the Mesa Arizona, St. George Utah and Laie Hawaii temples.
This was the first house of the Lord to have muraled ordinance rooms for the endowment ceremony.
This is the fourth Latter-day Saint temple built, the second still in operation and the second dedicated in Utah Territory.
Both the 1884 dedication and the 1979 rededication of the temple happened during three days.
It is the fourth Latter-day Saint temple rededicated after extensive remodeling. The other three were the Mesa Arizona, St. George Utah and Laie Hawaii temples.
This was the first house of the Lord to have muraled ordinance rooms for the endowment ceremony.