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Church President Russell M. Nelson announced a temple for Kumasi, Ghana, on April 4, 2021, during April 2021 general conference. It was one of 20 temples announced at the conference and the second for Ghana.
This will be the second Latter-day Saint temple in Ghana.
When a temple was announced for Kumasi, Ghana had approximately 90,000 Latter-day Saints among 300 congregations.
The first stake in Kumasi, Ghana, was organized in 1998. By the time the Kumasi temple was announced in 2021, the city had four stakes.
The closest temple to Kumasi is currently the Accra Ghana Temple, a distance of approximately 125 miles away to the southeast.
A second house of the Lord for Ghana was among 20 temples announced worldwide during the April 2021 general conference — the first time in Church history that such a large number of temples was announced in a single day.
This will be the second Latter-day Saint temple in Ghana.
When a temple was announced for Kumasi, Ghana had approximately 90,000 Latter-day Saints among 300 congregations.
The first stake in Kumasi, Ghana, was organized in 1998. By the time the Kumasi temple was announced in 2021, the city had four stakes.
The closest temple to Kumasi is currently the Accra Ghana Temple, a distance of approximately 125 miles away to the southeast.
A second house of the Lord for Ghana was among 20 temples announced worldwide during the April 2021 general conference — the first time in Church history that such a large number of temples was announced in a single day.