In the News
At a press conference on Temple Square in Salt Lake City on April 1, 1981, Church President Spencer W. Kimball announced nine new temples, including the first in Africa — the Johannesburg South Africa Temple. This was, at the time, the largest number of temples announced at once.
Elder Marvin J. Ashton of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles presided over the groundbreaking and site dedication of the Johannesburg South Africa Temple on Nov. 27, 1982. In his remarks, the Apostle declared that the coming temple would fulfill prophecy by President Kimball, a forecast that a temple would be built in South Africa, given during a 1973 rededicatory prayer on the country.
The public was invited to tour the Johannesburg house of the Lord from July 30 to Aug. 10, 1985.
President Gordon B. Hinckley, then second counselor in the First Presidency, dedicated the Johannesburg South Africa Temple from Aug. 24 to Aug. 25, 1985. According to a Sept. 1, 1985, Church News article, some 3,480 members from throughout the temple district attended at least one of four dedicatory sessions in the two days.
1 April 1981
24 August 1985
7 Jubilee Road
Johannesburg 2193
South Africa
View schedule and book online
(27) 11-645-1540
This was the first Latter-day Saint temple in South Africa and the first on the continent of Africa.
It was the first Latter-day Saint temple to front the Indian Ocean.
At the time of its dedication on Aug. 24, 1985, the Johannesburg South Africa Temple was the farthest house of the Lord from Church headquarters in Salt Lake City.
The Johannesburg temple was also — at the time of its dedication — the farthest away geographically from any other operating temple.
It was the first Latter-day Saint temple to have brick as the outside layer.
The early 1980s passed with a substantial increase in temple dedications — 17 of them from 1983 to 1985. The Johannesburg South Africa Temple was the 16th.
The temple was dedicated in the same month as the Chicago Illinois Temple, which was dedicated Aug. 9, 1985.
It was the lone such temple in southern Africa from 1985 until the dedication of the Durban South Africa Temple on Feb. 16, 2020, some 35 years later.
Thanks to the General Temple Patron Assistance Fund, many of the 130,000 members living in more than a dozen nations in 1985 then served by the house of the Lord in South Africa would make the journey to make sacred covenants and be sealed as families.
The third temple in South Africa, the Cape Town South Africa Temple, was announced by Church President Russell M. Nelson on April 4, 2021.
With the dedication of the Johannesburg South Africa Temple, there was a temple on every continent except Antarctica.
One of the original stones from the Nauvoo Temple was placed in the temple gate at the Johannesburg temple.
This was the first Latter-day Saint temple in South Africa and the first on the continent of Africa.
It was the first Latter-day Saint temple to front the Indian Ocean.
At the time of its dedication on Aug. 24, 1985, the Johannesburg South Africa Temple was the farthest house of the Lord from Church headquarters in Salt Lake City.
The Johannesburg temple was also — at the time of its dedication — the farthest away geographically from any other operating temple.
It was the first Latter-day Saint temple to have brick as the outside layer.
The early 1980s passed with a substantial increase in temple dedications — 17 of them from 1983 to 1985. The Johannesburg South Africa Temple was the 16th.
The temple was dedicated in the same month as the Chicago Illinois Temple, which was dedicated Aug. 9, 1985.
It was the lone such temple in southern Africa from 1985 until the dedication of the Durban South Africa Temple on Feb. 16, 2020, some 35 years later.
Thanks to the General Temple Patron Assistance Fund, many of the 130,000 members living in more than a dozen nations in 1985 then served by the house of the Lord in South Africa would make the journey to make sacred covenants and be sealed as families.
The third temple in South Africa, the Cape Town South Africa Temple, was announced by Church President Russell M. Nelson on April 4, 2021.
With the dedication of the Johannesburg South Africa Temple, there was a temple on every continent except Antarctica.
One of the original stones from the Nauvoo Temple was placed in the temple gate at the Johannesburg temple.