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Church President Russell M. Nelson announced a temple for Jacksonville, Florida, on Oct. 2, 2022, during October 2022 general conference. It was one of 18 temples announced at the conference — and the fifth for Florida.
This will be the fifth Latter-day Saint temple in Florida. The other four sacred edifices in operation, under construction or announced at the time of the Jacksonville temple’s announcement were in Orlando, Fort Lauderdale, Tallahassee and Tampa.
When this house of the Lord was announced, Florida had approximately 160,000 Latter-day Saints among more than 280 congregations.
The closest temple to Jacksonville is currently the Orlando Florida Temple, a distance of approximately 125 miles away to the south.
The first stake organized in Florida — in Jacksonville in 1947 — was also the first stake organized in the South.
Prior to his call to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Elder Charles A. Callis presided over the Southern States Mission for 25 years. In his later years, he expressed the desire to see an organization of a stake in the South. At age 81, he returned in 1947 to “his beloved Jacksonville” and organized the first stake. Two days later, still in Jacksonville, Elder Callis died.
Latter-day Saints in the greater Jacksonville area reach out in fellowship to the community each year through the annual OneJax Interfaith Thanksgiving Gratitude Service. Joining with people of many faith groups, Church members join in inspirational messages and music. In November 2023, Sarah Warner Miller wrote on Facebook, “We are so grateful for our community friends and neighbors across the faith spectrum.”
This will be the fifth Latter-day Saint temple in Florida. The other four sacred edifices in operation, under construction or announced at the time of the Jacksonville temple’s announcement were in Orlando, Fort Lauderdale, Tallahassee and Tampa.
When this house of the Lord was announced, Florida had approximately 160,000 Latter-day Saints among more than 280 congregations.
The closest temple to Jacksonville is currently the Orlando Florida Temple, a distance of approximately 125 miles away to the south.
The first stake organized in Florida — in Jacksonville in 1947 — was also the first stake organized in the South.
Prior to his call to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Elder Charles A. Callis presided over the Southern States Mission for 25 years. In his later years, he expressed the desire to see an organization of a stake in the South. At age 81, he returned in 1947 to “his beloved Jacksonville” and organized the first stake. Two days later, still in Jacksonville, Elder Callis died.
Latter-day Saints in the greater Jacksonville area reach out in fellowship to the community each year through the annual OneJax Interfaith Thanksgiving Gratitude Service. Joining with people of many faith groups, Church members join in inspirational messages and music. In November 2023, Sarah Warner Miller wrote on Facebook, “We are so grateful for our community friends and neighbors across the faith spectrum.”