In the News
President Russell M. Nelson announced a temple for Helena, Montana, during April 2021 general conference. This house of the Lord was announced alongside 19 other temples, making it the most locations announced in a single day.
Elder Vern P. Stanfill, a General Authority Seventy, presided over the groundbreaking ceremony and offered the prayer to dedicate the site of the temple. In his remarks to the congregation, Elder Stanfill said he “pondered greatly on the many who have lived in the shadow of these mountains who ... sacrificed, served and hoped for this day. ... Theirs is a legacy of faith and discipleship of the Savior.”
The temple held a public open house from May 18 to June 3, 2023. A media day was also held on May 15, 2023, for invited guests. More than 30,000 visitors attended the open house.
Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles dedicated the Helena temple on June 18, 2023, throughout two sessions. The ceremony was also broadcast to meetinghouses throughout the temple district, including stakes in Helena, Butte, Bozeman and Great Falls.
4 April 2021
18 June 2023
1260 Otter Road
Helena, Montana
United States
This was the second Latter-day Saint temple built in Montana.
Ground was broken for the Helena temple less than three months after it was announced.
It was the first house of the Lord built with modular construction methods, meaning parts of the temple were built off-site then assembled on-site.
It was the first Montana temple dedicated in the 21st century.
It was announced in April 2021 general conference as part of a record-breaking 20 temples announced in one day. The Helena Montana Temple was the first of these 20 to be dedicated.
This was the second Latter-day Saint temple built in Montana.
Ground was broken for the Helena temple less than three months after it was announced.
It was the first house of the Lord built with modular construction methods, meaning parts of the temple were built off-site then assembled on-site.
It was the first Montana temple dedicated in the 21st century.
It was announced in April 2021 general conference as part of a record-breaking 20 temples announced in one day. The Helena Montana Temple was the first of these 20 to be dedicated.