In the News
The Columbus Ohio Temple was announced by President Gordon B. Hinckley on April 25, 1998, when he spoke at a member meeting in Columbus.
The site for the Columbus Ohio Temple was dedicated on Sept. 12, 1998. Elder John K. Carmack, North America East Area president and member of the Quorum of the Seventy, dedicated the temple site.
The temple open house was held from Aug. 19 to Aug. 28, 1999. It attracted over 30,000 people, including Ohio Gov. Bob Taft. Youth in the Church went to houses near the temple to deliver fliers about the event.
President Gordon B. Hinckley dedicated the temple throughout six sessions, from Sept. 4 to Sept. 5, 1999. Approximately 11,000 members from the temple district’s 10 stakes attended.
The Columbus Ohio Temple closed for extensive refurbishing on Aug. 15, 2020.
The open house for the temple’s rededication was held from April 29 to May 13, 2023. A media day was also held April 24, and invited guests toured the building from April 24 to 28.
President M. Russell Ballard, acting president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, rededicated the Columbus Ohio Temple on June 4, 2023, throughout two sessions.
25 April 1998
4 September 1999
4 June 2023
Keith Lloyd Smith & Kathleen Child Smith
3870 Gateway Blvd.
Columbus, Ohio 43228-9747
United States
This was the first Ohio temple built that is still in operation by the Church of Jesus Christ.
The Columbus Ohio Temple was one of the first temples to include accommodations for visitors to eat and change clothes before entering the temple.
The angel Moroni statue originally faced east, but after renovations in 2021, it was rotated to face southwest, over the temple's entrance.
The temple site's land once had ownership ties to Julia Clapp Murdock, a devoted member of the Church during Joseph Smith's time.
This was the first Ohio temple built that is still in operation by the Church of Jesus Christ.
The Columbus Ohio Temple was one of the first temples to include accommodations for visitors to eat and change clothes before entering the temple.
The angel Moroni statue originally faced east, but after renovations in 2021, it was rotated to face southwest, over the temple's entrance.
The temple site's land once had ownership ties to Julia Clapp Murdock, a devoted member of the Church during Joseph Smith's time.