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Church President Russell M. Nelson announced a temple for Charlotte, North Carolina, on April 2, 2023, during April 2023 general conference. It was one of 15 temples announced at the conference — and the second for North Carolina.
2 April 2023
345 Providence Road S.
Weddington, North Carolina 28173
United States
This will be the second Latter-day Saint temple in North Carolina. The first sacred edifice for this Southern state was the Raleigh North Carolina Temple, originally dedicated in 1999.
When a house of the Lord was announced for Charlotte, North Carolina had approximately 94,000 Latter-day Saints among 180 congregations.
The closest temple to Charlotte is currently the Columbia South Carolina Temple, a distance of approximately 80 miles away to the south.
A site location for the Charlotte North Carolina Temple was announced by the Church just eight weeks after the announcement during April 2023 general conference of a sacred edifice for the city.
The first missionary to North Carolina was Jedediah Grant, who arrived in 1838. Over the next seven years, the father of future Church President Heber J. Grant organized more than 200 Latter-day Saints into seven congregations.
This will be the second Latter-day Saint temple in North Carolina. The first sacred edifice for this Southern state was the Raleigh North Carolina Temple, originally dedicated in 1999.
When a house of the Lord was announced for Charlotte, North Carolina had approximately 94,000 Latter-day Saints among 180 congregations.
The closest temple to Charlotte is currently the Columbia South Carolina Temple, a distance of approximately 80 miles away to the south.
A site location for the Charlotte North Carolina Temple was announced by the Church just eight weeks after the announcement during April 2023 general conference of a sacred edifice for the city.
The first missionary to North Carolina was Jedediah Grant, who arrived in 1838. Over the next seven years, the father of future Church President Heber J. Grant organized more than 200 Latter-day Saints into seven congregations.