The following two new temple presidents and matrons have been called to serve by the First Presidency. President and Sister Dávalos began their service on April 5. President and Sister Siady will begin their service in August.

Hector Antonio Dávalos Díaz, 68, El Olivar Ward, Lima Perú El Olivar Stake, called as president of the Arequipa Peru Temple, succeeding President Ramiro Antelo Saenz. President Dávalos’ wife, Beatriz Hermes Calle Parra de Dávalos serves as temple matron, succeeding Sister Elvira Avalos de Antelo. President Dávalos is a former Area Seventy, stake president and stake presidency counselor. A retired employee for the Welfare Services Department of the Church, he was born in Lima, Perú, to Victor Antonio Dávalos Martínez and Maríia Elizabeth Díaz Olaya.
Sister Dávalos is a former ward Relief Society president, ward Relief Society and Young Women presidency counselor, Sunday School teacher and institute teacher. She was born in San Juan de Lucanas Ayacucho, Perú, to Zenon Calle Rivera and Serafina Calle.

Gomez Co Siady, 68, Quail Hill Ward, Saratoga Springs Utah Mount Saratoga Stake, called as president of the Cebu City Philippines Temple, succeeding President Jose T. Aguilar. President Siady’s wife, Liza Yu Tiu Siady, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Nenita B. Aguilar. President Siady is a temple sealer and former temple presidency counselor, stake president, volunteer assistant temple recorder, Church-service missionary and Church public affairs director. A retired businessman and entrepreneur, he was born in Cebu City, Philippines, to Manuel Ang Siady and Shiok Huy Co.
Sister Siady is a Primary teacher and temple ordinance worker and a former assistant to the matron of a temple and stake Young Women president. She was born in Cebu City, Philippines, to Lucio Tan Tiu and Sio Tin Yu.