Following is the full text of the dedicatory prayer for the Campinas Brazil Temple given by President Gordon B. Hinckley on Friday, May 17, 2002.
O God our Eternal Father, Thou great Elohim, we bow our heads before Thee in solemn and reverent prayer on this day of dedication. We are met to present unto Thee this Thy holy house. We approach Thee in the name of Thy beloved Son, our Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Our hearts are filled with gratitude. How thankful we are for this beautiful and hallowed structure.

Acting in the authority of the holy priesthood which comes from Thee, and in the name of Jesus Christ, we dedicate and consecrate to Thee and to Thy beloved Son this, the Campinas Brazil Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It carries the inscription, “The House of the Lord.” It is Thine, the offering of Thy sons and daughters who love and honor Thee.
We dedicate the ground on which it stands with its beautiful vegetation. We dedicate the footings, the foundation, the walls, and the steeple with its crowning figure of Moroni.
We dedicate all of the interior, the baptistry, the areas for the initiatory ordinances, the endowment rooms, the beautiful celestial room, the sealing rooms, and all other areas and spaces of this Thy house. We dedicate the auxiliary structures for the purpose for which they have been built.
Wilt Thou accept of this beautiful temple as our gift unto Thee.
We are grateful for the fullness of the everlasting priesthood restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith. In this, Thy house, the keys of this priesthood will be exercised in behalf of the living and the dead. Here we will honor Thee in carrying forward the great work of salvation and exaltation made possible through the atoning sacrifice of Thy beloved Son, our precious Lord. Here will be bestowed upon the faithful blessings to be had only in these sacred houses. Here Thy sons and daughters will enter into binding covenants with Thee. Here at sacred altars husbands and wives, children and parents will be sealed together as families. Here the Holy Spirit of Promise will make those sealings eternal and everlasting.
Here will occur a great and dedicated service in behalf of those who have passed beyond the veil of death that they might be freed from the prison-house in which they have been held, many of them for centuries. Here a selfless work of love will take place. We thank Thee for every blessing, for every opportunity which will be offered here.
Bless all who come to this Thy house that they may be worthy in every respect, that they may be clean and acceptable before Thee.
We invoke Thy blessings upon the president of the temple and his counselors, upon the matron and her assistants, that they may be granted strength, vitality, and energy to carry forward the work of this Thy house. We pray for all of those who serve with them that they may do so with a spirit of love and consecration.
Bless Thy Saints in this great nation of Brazil. As they walk in obedience before Thee, open the windows of heaven and shower down blessings upon them. May faith grow in the hearts of Thy people. May their testimonies never waiver. May they ever look to Thee with love and confidence.
We pray for the cause of peace in all the earth. May men everywhere turn from their own willful ways and look to Thee for wisdom. Let thy Spirit brood upon the nations and touch for good the hearts of Thy sons and daughters everywhere.
Prosper Thy Church throughout the earth. Watch over all who have gone forth as messengers of eternal truth. Keep them from harm and evil. Lead them to those who will accept their message. Fortify them against every adversity.
Now, dear Father, accept of our thanks. Accept of our love. Accept this, Thy hallowed house. May Thy holy Spirit ever dwell herein. All of this we have done in preparation for that day when Thy Son shall come to reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
As Thy humble children we so pray in the name of our Redeemer, the Savior of the world, even the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.