
More than 55,000 attend open house

More than 55,000 community members took public tours during the Brisbane Temple open house May 10 through June 7, with many reporting that they left the temple with feelings of beauty, happiness, serenity, well-being, hope, peace and love.

Of this number, 964 political, business and religious leaders, along with news media representatives, accepted special invitations to temple tours conducted by the Area Presidency.

While proselytizing was not the purpose of the open house, 248 people asked to hear more about the gospel from the missionaries. A further 113 asked for Church materials to be sent to them.

Laszlo Zsoldos, a visitor during the general public open house said, "I am from Hungary. My wife passed away a year ago. . . . When I was in the Celestial Room I was really overcome and really felt close to my wife. I have been to many different religions but have never felt this way before. I want to become a member of your Church as I feel you are close to Christ."

One 45-year-old community leader attended the community leader open house and then returned with friends during the public open house. "I've not had the elders in my home before but I would certainly consider it now," she told a guide.

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