The following three new temple presidents and matrons have been called to serve by the First Presidency. They will begin their service in August.

Jeffrey Donald Cummings, 65, Emu Plains Ward, Penrith Australia Stake, called as president of the Sydney Australia Temple, succeeding President Richard H. Osmotherly. President Cummings’ wife, Evelyn Margaret Hooper Cummings, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Anne-Marie Osmotherly. President Cummings is the national communications adviser for Australia and a former Area Seventy, New Zealand Hamilton Mission president, mission presidency counselor, stake president and bishop. A company director, he was born in Perth, Australia, to Donald Wilfred and Margaret Amy Cummings.
Sister Cummings is a ward Sunday School teacher and a former mission president’s companion, ward Relief Society presidency counselor and ward Relief Society teacher. She was born in Adelaide, Australia, to Thomas Frederick and Margaret Hooper.

Sergio Alberto García García, 66, Jurica Ward, Querétaro México Stake, called as president of the Veracruz Mexico Temple, succeeding President Carlos Flores García. President García’s wife, Felicia Lyons de García, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister María de Jesus de Flores. President García is a former president of the México Mérida Mission and the México México City North Mission and México MTC presidency counselor. A manufacturing consultant, he was born in México City, México, to Jose Isabel García Dominguez and María Estela Vda. De García de Lira.
Sister García is a former mission president’s companion, stake Primary president, Sunday School teacher and temple ordinance worker. She was born in Nampa Canyon, Idaho, to Glen Chadwick Lyons and Antonia Castillo Lyons.

Melvyn Kemp Reeves, 69, Mueller Park 10th Ward, Bountiful Utah Mueller Park Stake, called as president of the Bountiful Utah Temple, succeeding President Don H. Staheli. President Reeves’ wife, Linda Sheffield Reeves, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Cynthia A. Staheli. President Reeves is a temple presidency counselor and a former California Riverside Mission president, stake president and bishop. A retired benefit consultant, he was born in Burbank, California, to Wayne Adelbert and Madge Kemp Reeves.
Sister Reeves is an assistant to a temple matron and a former mission president’s companion, Relief Society general presidency counselor, stake Relief Society president and ward Young Women president. She was born in Los Angeles, California, to Elbert Jolley and Barbara Welsch Sheffield.