The following new temple president and matron have been called to serve by the First Presidency. They will begin their service in August.

Terrence Michael Donahue, 68, Covington Ward, Slidell Louisiana Stake, called as president of the Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple, succeeding President Robert P. Garrett. President Donahue’s wife, Patricia Ann Bubert Donahue, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Terrie L. Garrett. President Donahue is serving as a patriarch and is a former stake president, bishop, high councilor, assistant area auditor and seminary teacher. Chairman of Spartan Building Corporation, he was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, to John Leo and Rita Marie De Lesseps Donahue.
Sister Donahue is a stake Relief Society presidency counselor and a patriarch’s scribe and is a former stake Primary president, ward Relief Society and Young Women president and Nursery leader. She was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, to August John and Camille Esther Richardson Bubert.