The following eight new temple presidents and matrons have been called to serve by the First Presidency. They will begin their service in August.

Matthias Ralf Bartsch, 72, Freiberg 2nd Ward, Dresden Germany Stake, called as president of the Freiberg Germany Temple, succeeding President Viktor Wadosch. President Bartsch’s wife, Beate Liselotte Matthes Bartsch, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Karin Wadosch. President Bartsch is a temple presidency counselor and a former bishop, stake executive secretary and senior couple missionary. Owner of MRB Consulting, he was born in Dresden, Germany, to Oskar Paul Walter Bartsch and Erika Marie Böhme Bartsch.
Sister Bartsch is an assistant to the matron of a temple and a former stake Relief Society president, ward Primary president and senior couple missionary. She was born in Nordhausen, Germany, to Horst Arno Matthes and Elisabeth Gerlach Matthes.

Frederik Erwin Brandenburg, 65, Hengelo Ward, Apeldoorn Netherlands Stake, called as president of The Hague Netherlands Temple, succeeding President Henk Dorenbosch. President Brandenburg’s wife, Yvonne Maria Hoek Brandenburg, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Judith R. Dorenbosch. President Brandenburg is a temple presidency counselor and a former stake president, bishopric counselor, branch president and elders quorum presidency counselor. A retired business controller, he was born in Almelo, Netherlands, to Henri Paul Brandenburg and Carmen Sylvia Von Barnau Sijthoff Brandenburg.
Sister Brandenburg is an assistant to the matron of a temple and a former stake and ward Relief Society president, stake Relief Society presidency counselor and ward Primary president. She was born in Groningen, Netherlands, to Adrianus Johannes Hoek and Minke Van Dijk Hoek.

John Kodwo Buah, 62, Buduburam 1st Ward, Winneba Ghana Stake, called as president of the Accra Ghana Temple, succeeding President Gary M. Parke. President Buah’s wife, Augustina Anita Danso Buah, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Helen B. Parke. President Buah is a temple sealer and a former patriarch, Nigeria Enugu Mission president, stake presidency counselor and bishop. A retired area welfare manager in the Africa West Area Office, he was born in Bonyere, Ghana, to Nyameke-Buah Abizi and Asela-Akuba Alu.
Sister Buah is a stake Relief Society presidency counselor and a former mission president’s companion, ward Relief Society, Young Women, and Primary president and ward Relief Society presidency counselor and secretary. She was born in Ayirebi, Ghana, to Kwasi Appau-Danso and Elizabeth Ankomaa Akese.

Liang, Shih Wei (Carl), 71, Hsinan Ward, Taipei Taiwan Central Stake, called as president of the Taipei Taiwan Temple, succeeding President Chen, Hsien Chin. President Liang’s wife, Liang, Hsu Yuan (Stephanie), will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Chen, Pao Kuei. President Liang is a country regional Church history adviser and temple ordinance worker and a former stake president, stake presidency counselor and bishop. A retired manager for the Taiwan Service Center, he was born in Taipei, Taiwan, to Liang, Jun Sheng and Wu, I Ya.
Sister Liang is a country regional Church history adviser and temple ordinance worker and a former stake Primary president and ward Relief Society president. She was born in Taipei, Taiwan, to Hsu, Sheng Wu and Yang, Yu.

Glendon Lyons Castillo, 67, Jurica Ward, Querétaro Mexico Stake, called as president of the Colonia Juárez Chihuahua Mexico Temple, succeeding President Juan Fajardo Loranca. President Lyons’ wife, Patricia Chávez Rodríguez de Lyons, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Reyna Romero de Fajardo. President Lyons is a bishop and a former Area Seventy, Perú Lima East Mission president and Mexico Missionary Training Center presidency counselor. A retired international supply chain manager, he was born in Nampa Canyon, Idaho, to Glen Chadwick and Antonia Castillo Lyons.
Sister Lyons is a ward Relief Society presidency counselor and a former mission president’s companion, stake Relief Society president and stake and ward Young Women presidency counselor. She was born in Mexico City, Mexico, to Paulino Gonzalez Chávez and María Luisa Rodríguez Chávez.

Felix Alberto Martínez Decuir, 64, Apodaca Ward, Apodaca Mexico Stake, called as president of the Oaxaca Mexico Temple, succeeding President Israel Ruvalcaba López. President Martínez’s wife, Juana María Pinto García de Martínez, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Araceli Briones de Ruvalcaba. President Martínez is an Area Seventy and a former México Oaxaca Mission president, mission presidency counselor and stake president. A retired area assistant director for the Church Educational System, he was born in Poza Rica, Mexico, to Eusebio Martínez Leal and Socorro Decuir Gómez.
Sister Martínez is a former mission president’s companion, stake Primary president, ward Relief Society, Young Women and Primary president and ward Relief Society presidency counselor. She was born in Ciudad Madero, Mexico, to Victor Pinto González and Ignacia García Rocha Pinto.

Carlos Monroy Villalobos, 67, Oriental Ward, Mexico City Oriental Stake, called as president of the Villahermosa Mexico Temple, succeeding President Elpidio F. Contreras Cepeda. President Monroy’s wife, Sonia Palacios Conzzoni de Monroy, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Raquel M. Almaguer de Contreras. President Monroy is a temple presidency counselor and a former Argentina Resistencia Mission president, Mexico Mission Training Center presidency counselor and stake president. A retired manager in the Mexico Area Office, he was born in Mexico City, Mexico, to Carlos Monroy Bravo and America de Monroy Villalobos.
Sister Monroy is an assistant to the matron of a temple and a former mission president’s companion, stake Young Women president, ward Young Women presidency counselor and seminary teacher. She was born in Mexico City, Mexico, to Manuel Palacios Galindo and Maria Magdalena Conzzoni Palacios.

Víctor Manuel Torres Quirós, 66, La Ribera Ward, Heredia Costa Rica Belén Stake, called as president of the San José Costa Rica Temple, succeeding President Edward D. Watts. President Torres’ wife, María Yamileth Monge Ureña de Torres, will serve as temple matron, succeeding Sister Lorie P. Watts. President Torres is a temple presidency counselor and a former patriarch, district president and volunteer assistant temple recorder. A retired police officer, he was born in Pérez Zeledón, Costa Rica, to Jorge Francisco Torres Lara and María Magdalena Quirós Luna.
Sister Torres is an assistant to the matron of a temple and a former ward Young Women presidency counselor, Sunday School teacher and temple ordinance worker. She was born in Tarrazu, Costa Rica, to Jaime Rogelio Monge Marín and Emerentina Elizondo Aguero de Monge.