During his October 2021 general conference talk on Sunday morning, President Russell M. Nelson shared a video of him inspecting the progress of the Salt Lake Temple renovation. He toured the temple site with his wife, Sister Wendy Nelson.
He showed the original foundation of the temple and explained what construction experts are doing to reinforce it. “I think you’ll see why the hymn ‘How Firm a Foundation’ has come to have new meaning for us,” he said.
The following is the message he shared in the video:
“We are looking at the original foundation of the Salt Lake Temple. I am standing in an area beneath what was the Garden Room. As I examine the craftsmanship of this entire building, I marvel at what the pioneers accomplished. I am totally in awe when I consider that they built this magnificent temple with only tools and techniques available to them more than a century ago.
“These many decades later, however, if we examine the foundation closely, we can see the effects of erosion, gaps in the original stonework, and varying stages of stability in the masonry.
“Now as I witness what modern engineers, architects and construction experts can do to reinforce that original foundation, I am absolutely amazed. Their work is astonishing!
“The foundation of any building, particularly one as large as this one, must be strong and resilient enough to withstand earthquakes, corrosion, high winds and the inevitable settling that affects all buildings. The complex task of strengthening now underway will reinforce this sacred temple with the foundation that can and will stand the test of time.”
In his talk, President Nelson said the Church “is sparing no effort” to strengthen the foundation of the Salt Lake Temple to withstand the forces of nature. Likewise, now is the time for each to strengthen their personal spiritual foundation.
“My dear brothers and sisters, these are the latter days,” he declared. “If you and I are to withstand the forthcoming perils and pressures, it is imperative that we each have a firm spiritual foundation built upon the rock of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ.
“So, I ask each of you, ’How firm is your foundation? And what reinforcement to your testimony and understanding of the gospel is needed?’”

The temple lies at the center of strengthening faith and spiritual fortitude, President Nelson said, because the Savior and His doctrine are the very heart of the temple.
In explaining how the administration of temple ordinances has been gradually refined over time, President Nelson offered three truths to ponder:
- The Restoration is a process, not an event, and will continue until the Lord comes again.
- The ultimate objective of the gathering of Israel is to bring the blessings of the temple to God’s faithful children.
- In seeking how to accomplish that objective more effectively, the Lord reveals more insights. The ongoing Restoration needs ongoing revelation.
“Please believe me when I say that when your spiritual foundation is built solidly upon Jesus Christ, you have no need to fear,” President Nelson said. “As you are true to your covenants made in the temple, you will be strengthened by His power. Then, when spiritual earthquakes occur, you will be able to stand strong because your spiritual foundation is solid and immovable.”