Sister Andrea Muñoz Spannaus was sustained April 1, 2023, as second counselor in the Young Women general presidency and began her service on Aug. 1, 2023. She was born on May 18, 1968, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and served in the Argentina Resistencia Mission.
She earned a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education and also studied art and interior design. She married Alin Spannaus in the Buenos Aires Argentina Temple, and they have two children.
Before her call to the Young Women general presidency, Sister Spannaus was a member of the Relief Society general advisory council. She has been an early morning seminary teacher, a South America South Area For the Strength of Youth committee member and mission leader with her husband in the Mexico Cuernavaca Mission.
In honor of her birthday today, here are nine quotes from Sister Spannaus over the past year.
1. The intention of God’s plan
“Every trial that we overcome or faithfully endure makes us more beautiful inside — a better person, a better child of God, a better friend, a better human being. This is the intention of God’s plan; these experiences will shape us if we let them.”
– BYU Women’s Conference, May 3, 2024
2. Love for God
“Our love for God and our close relationship with Him give us the strength we need to transform our hearts and more easily overcome our challenges.”
— April 2024 general conference, April 6, 2024
3. Celebrating Easter
“I love to celebrate Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice and His resurrection for us all. ... Thanks to Him, our hearts can be transformed. Because who wants to be the same as the day we came to earth and be the same without changing a thing — nothing — the day that we leave this earth?”
— Young Women Worldwide Facebook video (in Spanish), March 19, 2024
4. Service

“I love the fact that every time we help others or serve, something is transformed inside of us. Something is changing in our hearts or minds, and I love that we can become a better person just by serving.”
— Ministry in Tennessee, Nov. 4, 2023
5. The Father’s love

“The Father’s love has always been and will always be the engine that drives us to do the right thing. And you are not alone or helpless, because the Lord will give you light and knowledge through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Father’s work is still ongoing, and nothing will stop it.”
— Provo Missionary Training Center devotional, Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023
6. True happiness
“I’m not ashamed of the gospel because having faith in Christ brings happiness. ... And there are so many people looking for that true happiness and a little bit of calm and peace in their lives. Loving is sharing. Sharing is caring.”
— Instagram post (originally in Spanish), Sept. 6, 2023
7. Ordinances of love, hope and joy

“Without a doubt, the priesthood ordinances of baptism, confirmation and sacrament are ordinances of love, ordinances of hope and ordinances of joy. As we receive them, and remain true to the faith, we can experience the power of godliness in our lives.”
— BYU Education Week remarks, Aug. 25, 202
8. ‘Christ is our strength’

“Christ is our strength. He is beside us. He invites all of us to ‘Look unto [Him] in every thought; doubt not, fear not’ (Doctrine and Covenants 6:36). ...
“Christ has the power to guide, help and transform our hearts so that we can achieve the best version of ourselves with Him. It’s a journey of love, practicing and learning, compassion, covenants, peace and joy.”
— Instagram post, July 29, 2023
9. ‘I need Jesus Christ’

“If we are separated from the vine, we die. We cannot live. I need Jesus Christ in every step of my life. He is my Savior and my Redeemer. He paid the price for my sins, He has all power to rescue me, and with His grace, He can help me grow and become. Christ needs to be our guide. He needs to be beside us.”
— Meet Sister Spannaus, June 17, 2023