JOHANNESBURG, South Africa — Just about any day of the week, young single adults can be found here at the Johannesburg South Africa North Stake Institute building — also called the Braam Institute — in the Braamfontein neighborhood of Johannesburg.
This is a YSA gathering place, where young members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can be with each other in a safe, peaceful spot. They eat together, play games, use the Internet, have home evening, attend Church meetings and classes.
The name of Jesus Christ is on the building, and paintings of Him are visible when stepping through the door.

“It is a beautiful place for the young people to come and gather, learn about the gospel and socialize with each other and learn life lessons,” explained Tirhani Ngomane, a coordinator with Seminaries and Institutes of Religion.
A gathering place is a designated location in an existing Church facility — such as a meetinghouse or institute building — where young single adults and their friends can gather for some or all of the following:
- Gospel learning, including institute.
- Self-reliance courses, educational opportunities and support groups.
- Service and activities.
- Sharing the gospel and community outreach.
- Temple and family history work.
- Other Church programs.
Ngomane also oversees the YSA gathering place in the nearby city of Pretoria, which is open the whole week and staffed with daily volunteers.
“We have pool, table soccer and all that. We also have classes for learning during the week — like mission prep and institute class,” she shared. And Friday is game night, where 30 to 50 young adults travel in from different places, both members of the Church and their friends.

Johannesburg YSA Branch President Mark H. Cunningham said it is a wonderful thing to have a place that the young single adults can call their own, because it gives them a sense of belonging.
“The YSAs are so enthusiastic and full of life,” he said.
Norma Mongatane is a member of the branch and meets in the buildings for activities. “It is so much fun, it is more relaxed, it is so nice to hear people that you can relate to. That’s the fun part.”
Vivienne Amoh loves the activities and being able to be with people her own age.
“Overall it is very nice, very lively. It has YSAs from around the stake who come and visit, so it is very lovely,” she said.

President Cunningham said the activities are well-thought-out and well-planned.
“This is important as it creates a sense of purpose and gives the opportunity to invite friends to share in the social aspect of things,” he said. “However, when the spiritual side is there and YSAs are given the opportunity to grow and serve, it creates a special bond among them that only the Spirit can nurture.”
While Elder Jerry Lewis and Sister Janet Lewis, from Mesa, Arizona, serve as humanitarian and self-reliance missionaries at the Africa South Area offices in Johannesburg, Elder Lewis also teaches an institute class once a week in the building to around 30 people — which Sister Lewis said is a wonderful turnout, especially when many have to walk a long distance to get there.
“A lot of the institute classes are online because it is so hard to gather,” Sister Lewis said. “We are blessed because the missionaries come, and they bring friends of the Church, and members of the class bring friends.”

Several of those friends have been baptized recently, and several of the YSAs have gotten engaged and married, Ngomane said, including a previous single counselor in the branch presidency.
“They are making sacred covenants along the way, getting married,” Ngomane said. “We want them to be happy — our object is that they come closer to the Savior. As they come together, gather together, grow together, the next thing they get married and they stay on the covenant path.”
More about gathering places
Since a pilot program began in May 2021, YSA gathering places have been established in Nigeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Singapore, Idaho, Utah and more.
General Handbook section 14.4.1 explains that all designated gathering places must be approved by the area presidency. Gathering places are overseen by stake presidents and bishops. They are established in existing Church facilities, such as a meetinghouse or institute building. Stake presidents who desire to establish a gathering place for young single adults should contact the area presidency.
An online Church resource page called “Establishing a YSA Gathering Place” gives more information about how to find a facility, organize leadership, determine needs and select wholesome activities and experiences that will bring the young single adults closer to one another and to God.
The page includes “Resources for YSA Gathering Places” such as self-reliance courses, family history resources, EnglishConnect and BYU–Pathway Worldwide.